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We could be rescuing a grey today


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I think after all this bird has been through he must be pretty resilient and have a strong immune system. I don't think it will hurt to wait on the nail trim he needs to get his body weight back up but he may noit even be phased by the trim it is truly up to you as you should know him best. Love the phone story Greytness sounds so very Grey.

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15 minutes ago, SRSeedBurners said:

We're convinced our Huey worked in a call center prior to coming to live here.   He has the most business sounding polite "Hello?" I've ever heard.  And he only does it when the phone rings.

Maalik has that business-like 'Hello' thing going on, too. Speaking of Maalik, one of the many things I absolutely love about him is that he'll 'ring the doorbell' as someone is walking up to the front door! His cage is positioned by the front window, so he as a great view of our front yard. We know when packages are arriving, the water is being delivered, and he also helps us screen solicitors!!

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Thank you! Still lots of trust work left to work towards, but I am utterly amazed by how quickly this happened! He's extremely cage protective, and  understandably so. But once he's away from his cage, he was so  much better.

Sydney was able to take a maiden voyage flight around the room, too. First flight for him in over 8 years!

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1 hour ago, SRSeedBurners said:

I'll bet he was pretty clumsy!  Huey crash-landed into everything for a couple months before he got his muscles and skills built up.   He can now turn around in the hallway like GreycieMae.  He's not as talented as her but he gets around.

He was. Crash landed into a pile of my son's laundry, making it the one time I was appreciative of the messiness in his room!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's going to be a very long and slow process. I am able to get  him out of his cage if he's 'in the mood', if you know what I mean. Once he's outside his cage, it's as if a switch has been flicked on, and he immediately becomes very anxious, quivering the shoulder portion of his wings. 

Near his cage he's  a velociraptor. Away from his cage I can at least hold him for a bit before 'the bite' happens.

I finally heard the very first phrase he's ever uttered: 'Hey stupid'. 😞 Not surprised.

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Huey used to be nervous outside of his cage.   Unfortunately (not really!) for him, we're a cage-less house except for nighty-night time and he just had to deal with it.   It didn't take him but a few months till he was flying around and acting like the place was his - particularly his swingy rope in the kitchen where he now commands his ship, orders the chef around etc...

Huey tends to bite, usually only me as he prefers the ladies, when I try to put him on his rope perches.   He'll step up and immediately take a swipe a my hand.  He's got me a few times at the base of the thumb and ripped me open good.   He's super naughty that way.  I quickly learned to make him step up to the rope, never step back, because then his rope is between him and my hand.  I can pull down and back and he can't get me although he's learned to hang onto me with one foot and can still get me occasionally.

We've had him 9 months now and I'm just now getting to the point where he will let me pet him down the back (he doesn't take it as sexual with me at least) and give him a kiss on the beak and give him a hug.  9 long months!



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I'm so glad you and your son were able to get this poor grey out of that horrible situation.  It sounds like maybe he was well cared for until he was left alone with the husband, because he seems to know what a good home looks like.  Hopefully he'll continue to thrive in his new environment.  Now you just have to work on not falling in love with him so that you can re-home him when he's ready lol.

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Acappella, that's going to be the difficult part. I see his sweet spirit blossoming, but he primarily tucks it behind his fears. And yes, he was spoiled before she died. Had free roam throughout their home 24/7. After she died? Isolation in a cage that sat inside that horrible shack.

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I need a little advice regarding Sydney. We've had him now for 7 weeks and he's making amazing progress. So amazing that now, when I speak to him, he immediately becomes amorous. This is the only time where I can touch his feet and when he's more likely to spontaneously step up. I'd like to discourage this behavior, but quite frankly it's the only time I can actually touch him or get him to feel comfortable enough to step up for me.

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