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Does your grey curse?


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As some of you might know, I am a new pet to an CAG. We've had her for about 3 weeks now, Bella has fit in just perfect! Her vocabulary is unreal! We never heard it during visits. But recently we get "G D" followed by "M F". First time I heard it I was on the floor I was laughing so hard! Now we can almost pinpoint when she's going to say it. Not saying it's a bad thing in our household, just want to hear some other experiences with naughty birds.

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Dorian doesn't swear.  I caught my brother standing in front of his cage one time saying "shit head, say shit head" once, and he was no longer allowed unsupervised time with the bird after that.  Our nursing home in town had a parrot for years.  He came in with a resident and then, when the resident died he became the nursing home bird.  He was known as Tony the swearing parrot.  He (the parrot) had a dreadful vocabulary but everyone seemed to get a kick out of it.  Some people do find swearing in a bird funny, but it could potentially make re-homing a bird harder.  If you want to stop the swearing just don't respond to it, especially with laughter.  They love to do things that get a response from us.  Don't let her see or hear you respond to the naughty words, and then when she says something positive give her plenty of praise.  This can take a while.  I'm in the middle of trying to extinguish a sound here with Dorian and it's taking forever.  Then again, he's slow on the uptake lol.  You'll probably hear lots of things as she unpacks her suitcase.  Sit back and enjoy.

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Our Joe when we rescued him would say things like 'Please feed me", Buddy and Pistachio whom we rescued from druggies  would cuss and carry on, in a very short time after no longer hearing those words, they ceased using them...In the wild, parrots especially Zons will use the language of the tribes they live by, so it is more than just mimicking.

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Alfie doesn't swear. I'm amazed he hasn't picked up the odd word or two as people do swear in front of him (myself included, though I try not to). I'm not really keen on him learning to swear as I know he'll most likely use it at the most undesirable times.

Then again, Alfie isn't really a big talker. He prefers noises and sounds over words.

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Timber came to us with just a couple.  He calls my hubby a**hole, and says d*mn bird with some regularity. It could be much worse! He had a couple of homes (at least) prior to us, so who knows what he has been exposed to or picked up. 

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