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Help PHOEBE Stuck repeating......


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Help PHOEBE Stuck repeating......

Hello and Thank you already for taking time to read ^_^

Phoebe, is are 2yr old African Grey.SHE REPEATS EVERYTHING.From telling Jokes to singing top country songs She does voices,yells at the dogs to get off furniture etc etc

well I recently have been telling her whats doggy do,whats kitty do,whats santa do etc and now she is stuck on whats birdy do ?

All day every day I try to tell her whats doggy do or anything to change the subject she will answer then say WHAT BIRDY DO ? Its is all day and yes I tried to teach her a new one and nope right back at it ?

My question is Why and can I help her to move on ?

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Ok so I feel way better now :D

Thought I messed her up really bad or something !

She is soooo smart I swear einstein the grey on youtube has not nothing on my girl (serious) maybe she is to smart gets her and me in trouble (later story)

Thanks for the quick response O.o


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Alfie is not much of a talker. He prefers sounds (and the more obnoxious, the better as far as he is concerned!!). But he will fixate on certain noises for a while, so I don't think it's unusual. At the moment he does a whistle which sounds a little like R2D2 from star wars. He loves that one right now. But next week it might be a squeak or some other noise.

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These posts are so funny...(Maggie here)...Joe learned the high-pitched alarm sound that Jay's oxygen concentrator makes when it is in alarm mode. Now, (I know he does this just to mess with me), he will occasionally make this alarm sound, usually when I am somewhere else and he gets a kick out of seeing me run back in the room to see is there is a problem with Jay's oxygen...a few times he even lets out a little chuckle (evil, Joe, really evil...9_9xD)

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Alfie learned how to yell my name in my dad's voice recently because my dad was helping out in the garden and kept calling me when he needed a hand or wanted something. It caught me out the first time as I thought my dad was back in my house calling me! 

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Greys will pick and choose what they like to repeat, sometimes its the way it is  said that they like but there is not much you can do to discourage the repeating of certain words but ignore it and definitely do not laugh or give any reaction when the particular word or words are repeated as that will only encourage them to continue. 

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A couple things you can almost count on with greys.  1.  They will get stuck on a sound or phrase that you don't like.  2.  They will not say the things you want them to say.  Just don't react in any way when your bird says the phrase you want to get rid of and he'll eventually get tired of it and move on to the next favourite.

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