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GreycieMae's Sunroom-Aviary


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It all looks so amazing. I'm so excited that I'm going to be putting an aviary out in my garden this year (when the weather gets a little warmer, that is!) I already have a cargo net and a rather large hanging bridge to put in there. I need to build up more supplies to put in there when it's done. It's going to be 12ft long by 6ft wide by 6ft tall. Have always wanted something like that for Alfie and now I'm finally going to be able to do it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, Acappella said:

Thanks for making me smile with the fly up order window.  Are you leaving that window open to the house or screen it so she has to stay in the aviary?

It's a bedroom window that used to open to the outside.   We just close the window and put the blinds down, but that doesn't stop them from knocking incessantly when they know you're in there.

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/11/2018 at 4:58 AM, SRSeedBurners said:

It's a bedroom window that used to open to the outside.   We just close the window and put the blinds down, but that doesn't stop them from knocking incessantly when they know you're in there.

Do you have updates or photos? We are all interested and have been waiting patiently for updates...thanks, Jayd

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Not a good update:  GreycieMae has had to move out of her lavish quarters while crews (me, myself and I) are repairing some issues found while digging out the rest of the aviary for the crushed granite.   Our sewer pipe apparently broke 10-15 years ago when the foundation crew lifted the house in that area.  We've never seen any issues, I just happened to find this when I was digging a little deeper in that area to see if I could locate a water line, as I would really like to have a water hose in her aviary.   Well, I found the water line and a busted sewer line to boot!  So far I have the whole thing excavated and part of the pvc removed.  Still need to blow-torch the other joint off and seal it back up.  Then I can install my water line and also fix the electric conduit the idiot before us put in improperly and backfill with sand and we're back in business.   No worries, she has her best men...errrr....man on the job.


One thing that gave me a clue that something was going on around where I was digging was excessive root growth.  The closer I got to that area the roots got really thick.  When I discovered the broken pipe, the roots were all growing into the pipe.   Fortunately I was able to auger it all out so we have a clean drain now.   It eventually would have clogged up completely.



20180428_202157 (Small).jpg

20180429_052842 (Small).jpg

Edited by SRSeedBurners
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8 hours ago, Talon said:

Oh my goodness!  Good thing you found it out now tho....now Gracie Mae says...get back to work

Yep, she wants back in her sunroom.   She loves that thing.   Huey hates being outside and prefers to be sitting in there too.  They do need sun though so they're gonna have to suffer through this.  

3 hours ago, judygram said:

Steve its always something isn't it and soon it will be a part of  the past, roll on spring.

Haahaa...I had the phrase "this too shall pass" rolling through my head earlier today.  I broke the damn water line trying to figure out how to untangle it and the electrical conduit.  The hole filled back up with water before I could shut the valve and I was soaking wet.

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A better update:

A busted sewer, two corroded main valves from years of sitting in water and an electrical conduit that was pulled out of the wall and compromised, all due to a foundation lift we had done 10-15 years ago.  Multiple plumbing companies were quoting me $4-$5K to fix this mess - to hell with that, I did it my damn self.   I can't believe how much these idiots get paid to sweat pipe and put rubber collars on.  I should be a plumber/electrician and make some bank.  My neighbor ran a plumbing business and these days it's as if he is printing money in his garage.


A pic of the repairs, plus I added a new 'garden valve' so I can have water inside GreycieMae's section of the unit.
- repaird sewer line
- brand new electrical conduit, wall unit and re-wired
- new main valve
- repaired water line that goes to our barn


A couple of pics of the area after I finished the repairs, completed the dig-out of the clay and hauled in the three remaining loads of crushed granite.   It all had to come in through a window, into a wheel barrow and hauled into place.   You can see the 2K lumen area lights I installed in the second pic.   I put three in GreycieMae's section, one in the Middle's (Toby & Rio's area) and one in the Little's section (Tinkerbell & Stevie).






And when the work is done, there's always time to stop and smell the roses.   GreycieMae has two rose bushes growing in her aviary.  






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1 hour ago, Greytness said:

OMG, Steve, can I borrow you??? 

Haahaa...you'll have to get in line!   GreycieMae needs decorative window bars on her aviary to keep teenagers out and airflow in!   I've had no less than 10 welders out here to look at the job and provide a quote.  Not one welder ever calls me back.   Looks like I'm going to end up doing this myself too.  Good thing I'm certified in TIG and SMAW welding.

Here's what I know about these companies (plumbing/electric/etc) that you hire to do stuff for you:   they're all about making money as fast as possible with cheap labor.   Our foundation lift was done by a crew of non-English speakers.  They totally screwed me and I'm now paying the price.   A few years ago we had Baker Brothers plumbing, a very well known, highly advertised company, come here and repair a water line in our bathroom that I didn't have time to mess with.   Their fix leaked and within a year destroyed the wall and the studs before I knew what was going on.   So I repaired that whole thing myself including re-doing their plumbing job. 


I don't trust any company.  It's why I do most things myself.  Especially mechanic work on our cars.   No way in hell I'm letting those shitbags touch our cars.

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