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Dorian's new box


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I hadn't thought of it before, but you're right it is similar.


I wear a long sweater around the house in the winter that, because I'm so darn short, sweeps the floor. Can you see where this is going? Well, it picks up pieces of cardboard and phone book and distributes them all through the house! What a mess. Lots of evidence that Dorian is having fun.

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Great chipping job, Dorian! If times get tough, you can switch him to colored paper, sweep up the remnants, take pics, post on Pinterest then sell on Etsy as exotic beak-crafted confetti! :D :D HRH Inara would love a box chipping date with Dorian. She is not much on thicker toys, but love loves loves snipping away at cardboard rings, paper towel tubes, junk mail, and all things paper or cotton rope. The mess is definitely worth it, agreed!

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Oh well. Guess we're a little strange around here. We like our wood & we like it thoroughly destructed when we're through. I do mean nothing but match sticks.


A roll of adding machine tape lasts these guys forever. Paper & chipboard are at best 5 minutes' tickertape making on an odd afternoon. Paper's really only fun when it's something stolen that I'm going to have to blush & stammer an explaination for when it finally gets wherever it was originally supposed to be going. That one never gets old - well for them anyway.

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Oh well. Guess we're a little strange around here. We like our wood & we like it thoroughly destructed when we're through. I do mean nothing but match sticks.


I wish I could teach Dorian to chew wood. Over the years I've offered him toys made of many different kinds of wood in many different forms, but the only thing he's shown an interest in chewing is my filing cabinet drawer! If I could get him to chew wood I wouldn't have to get his beak trimmed because he would be wearing it down himself. I'd love to be sweeping up matchsticks in addition to his confetti.

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Alfie chews wood, card and paper. He's currently destroying/throwing around the centre of a roll of wrapping paper whilst also destroying/shredding a 24parrot.com catalogue on his favourite shelf. He makes mince meat out of cardboard too. I'm forever finding pieces of card and paper stuck to things!


Looks like Dorian is having a blast with his boxes. Cheap entertainment at it's best!

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Kura took a bit of convincing about healthy destruction in general. When she got here she'd been conditioned to sit & stare all day. So I started teaching her to play. But I didn't realize that an ekkie's beak is no where near as effective as it looks. That big ole thing can't even shell nuts.


Eventually I got w/the program & found out that she did love crunchy things though. It started w/rush mats & Chinese Fingers. The first time the neighbors donated a bundle from their arbor I found out how much she loves fresh grape vines. Big favorite! She eventually worked her way from Balsa wood, Popsicle sticks, rattan & reeds all the way up to birch disks.


She does not like Pine, though. So all those awesome looking hangers I bought her originally were always doomed to failure had I only known.


Eventually her beak started to look all trim & shiny. Before her it never even occurred to me that type of thing counted towards healthy beak conditioning. But apparently it does. So don't give up. Hopefully you can find something that works for Dorian, too.

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