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She picked up my cough!


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I put the camera on Zoe's cage yesterday and got a few good vocalizations. Too bad she moved behind the rope ladder before saying the good stuff but she vocalizes more when she is not looking at the camera. She says "I love you" in my voice and mimics my cough to a T! Now I will have to work on something to say to get her to cough like that;)

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Zoe is adorable. It made me laugh when she started coughing. Alfie can cough, sneeze and blow his nose. ;)


He also goes camera shy. If he knows there is a camera about, he'll stop everything and just stare at it. The only time I ever got videos of him making noises was when I set up a wireless security cam and left it on noise activation a few times.

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Awwwww...what a sweet vid! Cute cute cute voice. HRH mimics my cough and several months ago when I had a really rough bout, she would cough and then say, "Oh my got!" (apparently I would say Oh my god after some fits of coughing LOL). She also becomes instantly mute and semi invisible when a camera or phone comes out, and often when strangers come to visit. Great idea on the sound activated security cam video. I have one of those, am wondering how would one go about uploading the recording? Any suggestions out there?


Zoe is so sweet and such fun to watch! Loved what sounded like the beginning of a Popeye whistle.

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There are programs you can download that allow you to edit and upload clips from your security cam. I had one when I was working. I'm thinking the software I used was Blue Iris. I was never very good at editing though! My camera was low end, and the audio was not great quality. The camera placement was not conducive to a really clear picture either. It served its purpose well, I could hear Timber and see what he was doing from work well enough, but I wasn't thrilled with the video I uploaded here. If I could have gotten the camera closer to Timber's cage it would have been better, but that wasn't realistic for every day use.

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There are programs you can download that allow you to edit and upload clips from your security cam. I had one when I was working. I'm thinking the software I used was Blue Iris. I was never very good at editing though! My camera was low end, and the audio was not great quality. The camera placement was not conducive to a really clear picture either. It served its purpose well, I could hear Timber and see what he was doing from work well enough, but I wasn't thrilled with the video I uploaded here. If I could have gotten the camera closer to Timber's cage it would have been better, but that wasn't realistic for every day use.


I got an IP camera last year that had sound and storage on it but was so disappointed with the video quality I got rid of it. I will keep trying to catch her at the right time when she is out of the cage because that is some of the best vocalization during the day.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, Kya came to us with perfected farts and belches. He has decided my 5 year old grandson is great fun now because he will carry on the farting and belching contests with him for hours.


I recently had the flu, a terrible case of it that lasted almost 2 weeks. Kya picked up my cough, and my overly dramatic sneezing that I did not realize was overly dramatic until he mocked me.


The video is precious. Her voice (I am assuming it is YOUR voice) is so sweet. Kya sounds like he has multiple personalities, between the couple who previously owned him, my Canadian husband, and my southern drawl.

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