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New Rescue


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Good Afternoon - My name is Teresa and Monday we brought home our rescue Congo African Grey from the former World Parrot Refuge in Coombs, B.C. Greyhaven Exotic Bird Sanctuary has taken over the care and adoption of a huge flock of assorted birds. We are just outside of Victoria, B.C. Our previous avian history included budgies, love birds, canary & a cockatiel. We currently have 2 dogs - a lab, Mac and our rescue, Kona who is a bitza - a bitza this and a bitza that :) So far Mac is indifferent to the cage & bird, Kona is curious from a distance.


Our new friend is a very chatty African Grey - age & sex unknown at this time. He/she does step up however, as the bird just had a day of travel and new experiences with a different cage, home, peoples, dogs etc, I have not attempted this action yet. Our vet visit isn't until the 23rd. I do want to try and handle our feathered friend but am not sure of how long to allow for a settle in time. Open to all ideas and options.


The bird (leaning heavily to Captain Jack parrot) goes to the highest perch in the cage and settles well at night, making it clear that it was time to settle for the night. In the morning before the cover was off there were some soft clicks and noise but nothing obnoxious. Our bird is fully feathered and was a bit darker in colour than some of the others at the rescue (there were 15 birds to visit). The bird was eating a seed diet and I am integrating Zupreem into the bowl with great success. Loves oranges and cored apples. Added some baby garden carrots this morning, hiding almonds in balled up newspaper and a few other foraging toys. Captn Jack will take treats from our fingers and let's us know by bowing down that it is head scatchy time. Am giving time and space to settle before we work on the step-up that was happening at the rescue with him/her.


I look forward to reading and learning a lot on this forum on how best to aide our rescue into the forever home we are providing.




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You are doing incredibly well if you have only had a rescue grey for a few days and already have him accepting things from your fingers and bowing for a scratch. Thank you for joining our forum. Welcome to you and Captain Jack or whatever name you decide fits best. There are plenty of things to read and also we are a group who love to learn from one another and share the life of a our extended flock. You will get cues from your new companion when he wants more attention from you. It is wise to take it one step at a time. Providing treats and interesting things for him, setting up his first vet appointment is a grand way to get things started. Congratulations on finding this fabulous new companion. I can't wait to hear more.

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Excited to hear you have taken a grey rescue into your home and looking forward to the continuing saga of Captain Jack. Sounds like you are starting out right, going slowly and not asking too much of him until he lets you know he is ready. Scoring points by making foraging opportunities for him as well. I think you should have a successful relationship with the Captain.

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Congratulations!!! Sounds like you've got some good instincts & it sure seems like Capt Jack(ie) is making the transition extremely well. Have to wait until the honeymoon's over to know, but it sounds like this could be the start of something extra special.


I don't really think it's too soon to **ask** for a step up. I think the trick is in taking "no" for an answer. Since (s)he's doing so well, maybe you could see how it goes today. But even if the answer is "yes" maybe quit while you're ahead. So not more than a minute or two then off so as not to risk a panic. Ideally you'd like every interaction to end well. But especially now while you're hoping to build a trusting relationship.


If you don't already know from your other fids, parrots & dogs can have a fabulous relationship. *But* the hardest thing for some dogs to get over is the wing flapping. That triggers somewhere primal & can be very tricky sometimes. They will get over it w/patient persistence & time, though.

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Thank you for the welcome :)


Step-up has gone extremely well within the cage. Head scritches continue with myself. Capt Jack will take treats from hubby but not head scritches yet. First thing in the morning Capt does a cough routine - obviously inherited routine LOL and it rather amusing. The youtube link is here - along with a couple of other short new bird videos.


I am a nurse and working night shift tonight (7-7) so it will be interesting to see how tomorrow morning goes. Hubby & daughter (25) will be with Capt Jack tonight. I am thinking of delaying my sleep by an hour tomorrow to spend time with Capt Jack, then the custom silicone earplugs will come out for a few hours of zzzz's.



Looking forward to hearing & learning more about our wonderful new feathered family




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Oh my goodness. The nose blowing, the cough, the sighs. That is so funny. Captain Jack is so active and engaged that I would not for a second think he hadn't been with you all his life. He is really relaxed. This match is meant to be for your family and for him. My guess is eventually he will accept your husband and daughter as well. As others have said, trust building is really important. Captain Jack was quick to get the lay of the land in his new home and though he may be more tuned in to you, if they wait him out and gain his approval, you are all going to be one be happy flock. Congrats on discovering the impressionist within, his comedian side will keep you guessing what he is going to say about you when you have company.

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Welcome to you and Captain Jack! (What an awesome name for a bird!)


I'm so happy that he's settling in well for you and that he's loving all the attention you're lavishing him with!


I look forward to hearing more about you both and your new adventures together. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Loved the videos. Can't believe he's already closing his eyes when you give him scratches, that shows trust. Thank you for taking in a rescue. If you're looking for a good online Canadian store for parrot stuff I really like Parrotdise Perch. They have great customer service.

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