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When I get home, I try and do a little helping around here, I've just been tied up trying to get out of here, and Sukei is home now.


I know I dont do a lot of posting in other threads, just trying to get home.


Thanks all of you again, and again.



I talked to the quarantine center and Sukei is doing great, says he is out talking all the others, and the others are responding to him, funny lol.


Happy New Years

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Happy New Year, Kevin! So very glad that Sukei appears to be well and no worse for wear, and is teaching his bunk mates a few new things. :) Safe home to you, and we'll look forward to hearing that all is well. Soooo looking forward to the two of you being reunited!

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  • 4 weeks later...

No far my friend, thank you !


The wife and I arrived from Dubai yesterday, and are catching up on some sleep.


USFW has determined I am still in violation because of the Kuwait CITES permit, and are going to release him for shipment to Dallas tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM.


There will be no fine, but I am required to write an apology letter to the agent, and I cant tell you how bad that sticks in my throat. Along with the letter Sukei will have a life travel ban on him. (Not able to leave the US for life.



NOW, I have already talked to a lawyer, and he said eat my peas and do it, then after a period of time, with all my evidence and correspondence with that agency, I can appeal it, and he is 99% sure with the documentation I sent him, he can get the ruling over turned.


In the mean time, dont rock the boat.


As much as it sucks, you pick your battles when the time is right.


The important thing is right now he is in.



The only reason the travel ban is an issue for me, is we have two homes, one in the Philippines, and one in Texas.


We plan on staying here for at least 6 or 7 years.



Ill shoot plenty of pictures, and will post them.



THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

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To whom it may concern:


I am so very sorry after all these many years & the unimaginable patience it took to deal with you fools that you still couldn't manage to get your sorry acts together sufficiently to ship one little grey bird home w/o tons of unnecessary drama right to the very end and potentially beyond.


I am also sorry for all the other lucky slobs who have been or will get caught up in you robust bureaucracy, & inefficiency.


Since I think we can all agree that it's probably best if I not add much of anything about the red tape I will conclude with my sincere wishes that you too may one day (soon) enjoy all the amazing experiences that your agencies have to offer,

Edited by birdhouse
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Well you know how it goes when someone asks where you live in Texas, you just say Dallas, because everyone knows where that is, on the other hand if you say I live in Collyville, they go "Say what" I dont know where that is lol.


Right at the moment I am in Colleyille, until I find a place next to the next potential job.

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Kevin, yep, just eat your peas, say thank you, and count yourself and Sukei lucky at this point. Suxxors, but there is plenty of time in the future to iron things out and the primary goal will have been achieved which was not having to have left Sukei behind. In a few hours, he will be home safe and sound with you all due to your heroic efforts and tenacity. CELEBRATE! Sounds like you have a good lawyer, so breathe easy as the original mission was accomplished. My son is in the Dallas area and he always just says "Dallas" too! :)

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I just got back from DFW it is 11:40 PM here, and Sukei is home and doing just fine. I still a little jet lagged, so were all going to get some sleep.


Im still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we all made it home.


I sit here and think, what was the chance that a poor african grey pouched from a South African jungle tree from his nest put in a box with 15 or 20 other birds, smuggled into the middle east and then basically left for dead because no one wanted him (Thats the way I think it happened based on what I know) not only survive, but make it to Dallas Texas to live a good life.


I think, I will go buy a lottery ticket for him, because I think he has a better chance of winning the lotto.


When we wake up in the morning, and get settled, Ill shoot those pictures.


Thank You all again.


There really is a God, too many miracles, too many things that cannot be explained away.

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Well, I don't live directly in Dallas either but just north in Allen. Sukei will be a neighbor!!! Would love to meet him!


Im sure we can work something out, we just have to get settled in, I've been away for 10 years, Im starting all over again lol.

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Im sure we can work something out, we just have to get settled in, I've been away for 10 years, Im starting all over again lol.



No problem. Sukei is always welcome to come have a visit in Miss GrecycieMae's aviary too. She'll even order up Sterling Ranch hamburgers off the grill for all the guests. If you've never had mountain fed beef off the New Mexico mountains in Chama, you haven't had beef! My Mom & Dad keep us well stocked when they come for visits!

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I don’t have any of my photo resizing stuff yet, so I just put them in a PDF. (I apologize if you dont have adobe reader)


You can down load here.





Thanks so much again.


This is his temporary home, till we move in a few weeks to the new place.


Your encouragement helped get me through!

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Sukei looks so calm and settled in. I was afraid the experience would traumatize him but he looks completely calm and at home. It must feel surreal every time you look over at his cage and there he is, after all the battles you had to fight to make it happen. Congratulations and good luck writing the apology letter. Just keep looking over at Sukei to remind yourself why you're doing it.

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Awww...LOVED the pics of Sukei! He does look right at home and unphased by the transport and import. Sometimes I think that is the way of the wild-caughts. After all they have been through being nabbed, any place that is calm with food and water seems like a huge step up. And since Sukei had you for so many years, he has experienced that not all humans are jerks. Am so very very very thrilled for you and Sukei! Welcome HOME, to you both and to your family!! With warmest regards, Jane and HRH Inara

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