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Because he has to go cargo I hope its not too cold there for him, it can get mighty cold in cargo, hope all goes well and we hear from you soon that Sukei is in the states with you and doing fine.


I did think about that, and in keeping with there are no hard fast rules or a handbook or SOP for an operation such as this, this is all I have to go on.




I hope they live up to their advertising.


I believe I am emotionally spent lol, I was apologizing to Sukei all last night for what I was about to put him through, but I think his chances are better this way then leaving him here......


Hope I made the right decision.

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Well, that page gives me a lot better feel about it than them just throwing him in a cargo hold. They'd kill every animal they shipped if all they did was put them in general cargo. Has to be pressurized and heated which I'm sure they'll do if that's what you're paying for. Can't wait to see lil Sukei state-side. Where to by the way?

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This is it, time for Sukei to go, all the permits filed/approved, the FW agents notified, quarantine ready to except, and my pet company in US on stand by to pick up.


I thought you guys might like to see what we rigged up to send him in.


I had to follow some CITES and IATA requirements and specifications.



AGAIN they make it difficult because there are no "APPROVED" travel cages, just specifications to follow.



The next 48 hours are going to be hard on him and us, and again I thank you guys for your support.







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Well, he made it. Thats the good news. The bad news is some bean counter over at Fish and Wildlife doesn't like the way the CITES permit was filled out by the Kuwaitis, even though they already saw it, and issued all the import permits.


Not sure what is going to happen. I may end up standing tall before the man.


But the important part, is Sukei is home.


I can fade any heat they bring down.


Sukei will be out of quarantine in 30 days, Ill be out of here and home in 26 days.


Thanks guys again, Ill post pictures when its over.

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oh good news. Please keep us updated until then if you know anything. Who is caring for Sukei in quarantine?


There's definitely some recourse if the bean counter wants to be a turd. One post onto the Grey groups on FB and he'll see a mighty shit storm descend upon him. One thing I know about the Grey crowd, they fight among themselves like...a flock of greys....but when the word gets out that someone needs help, they all pitch in. Bean counter better get back to his beans and just leave Sukei alone.

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Crap! There just had to be one more jackass.


You can't know if you can afford to be cavelier about this, either. Maybe he's just being an officious little toad who's making enough noise to justify his paycheck. Or maybe he thinks he's a by-gosh-do-gooder who could actually put Sukei down.


Good thing you belong to the biggest support group of all. This must happen, I don't want to say often, but... Surely now that Sukei's finally state-side, there's a miliary family network that helps returning Vets get the Mr. Toad's of the world to see the light & just leave it alone.

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Oh for crying out loud! I would like to believe that the bean counter was/is well intentioned and is keeping a close eye on incoming species. However, often that is not the case and it can just be someone who is flexing what little authority they may have.


If you do run into issues, here is a phone number for Dave Remple -- (US) 970-635-1850.


He is an internationally well known avian vet, who set up the world's first falconry/raptor hospital in Dubai many years ago and is a board certified Diplomat in the European College of Avian Medicine and Surgery. He actually had a caseload of nearly 20K raptors throughout the Middle East after having set up the hospital and over his long tenure there.


He was also personal vet to my wild caught rescue 'zon and Congo back in the 70's and 80's before he left to set up the hospital in Dubai. He is a great guy, has forgotten more about birds than most people will ever learn in a lifetime and is well versed in the comings and goings between the Middle East and the US. A phone call to him, if you run into a snag, may be helpful as far as having a savvy US avian vet be able to walk through any CITES issues over the phone with the bean counter.


Let's X our fingers that this is just a speed bump and that Sukei and you will be reunited seamlessly!!

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Who is caring for Sukei in quarantine?



Avian Quarantine Facility, The New York Animal Impact Center, Newburgh, New York.


Well again thanks for the support, I made a statement in reply to my so called violation of the importation act. Im trying the carrot first, if that doesn't work, Ill bring a baseball bat not a stick.


I advised the Kuwait CITES division that the US basically said they dont know what they are doing and not following the rules of the convention. (They were real happy to hear that)


Have you ever seen a pissed off Arab?


They reiterated, thats all there going to get, and it is legal.



I am just happy Sukei is home, and I can fight on home turf. It is difficult to fight a war on the other side of the planet, as the US has learned the hard way.



I talked with all the agencies involved, and they are all standing behind me, but I dont know if that is going to be good enough.



The lady that cut the WBCA permit says Ill probably end up paying a fine, and that will be that, however if they really want to be schmucks they can confiscate Sukei.


I just got to wait and see how it plays out. It also turns out it was good that I started that video website years ago documenting ownership of Sukei over the years, that may come into play if I have to lawyer up and go to court.


More to come.....

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This new years eve Im looking at Sukie's empty cage before I break it down for shipment, you know its amazing how they are like a real human being (Probably the best of us), they dont just repeat things they communicate, and know what they are saying.


I wish all of you a Happy New Year, Sukei probably is in the best place to be for New Year, New York. They said they have TV monitors there so he will get to see the ball drop.


Happy New Year to everyone....especially to those in Israel, may you find better treatment, then you have found in the current US administration.



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