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Taking Away Toys/ Disliking Play Time

Devin Corso

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I was wondering if it would be ok to take some of the toys that Yoshi (yellow-sided conure) doesn't play with over to Korra's (African grey) cage. I know Yoshi cuddles with some of the toys instead of playing with them, but do you think it would hurt her feelings if I took out the toys that she doesn't play OR snuggle with? I try to pay equal attention to them both. I don't want Yoshi to feel second best because Korra is younger and likes being out of her cage.


Also, why do you think Yoshi doesn't like coming out of her cage? She sits on the corner of her cage top, and flies to me. She gets skinny when she is out, and puffs up when she is inside the cage. She won't play, preen, or stretch and always wants to be on my head playing with my hair. Is that ok? I have to wear a shower cap so she doesn't poopoo on my hair. Any suggestions?


Yoshi likes being in her hut and playing or snuggling with her noise-bottle. She doesn't seem to go near other toys.

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Haaahaaa CONURES!!!! I've had three, one of which is new to me for the last couple of days. They can be weirdos.


As for the toys: I am constantly switching toys between cages, regardless of who plays with what. GreycieMae (CAG) has her wood toys she will chew on that are too big for our Caique so it doesn't make sense to switch that but I find moving toys around keeps them entertained on the days they do have to stay in their bird room.



My last conure was similar to what yours is doing. Skinny outside of the cage, fluffy and cage aggressive inside. When he was on me, he was one track-mind. The current conure we have is similar. When he's with me all he can do is strut, pick at my facial hair and pecks at my cheek like a wood pecker. Such a weirdo. Conures have always struck me as very loyal but there is not much upstairs to rub together and create a lil fire.

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LOL that was a perfect description! xD


I will make sure to switch the toys around then. She likes fluffy toys and noisy toys. I got a empty medicine container and put a screw and a penny inside it, then closed it tightly and hung it up in her cage. Out of all the creative and some really cool toys from the store, she just wants to have her medicine container and fluffy hut.


For some reason whenever she starts falling asleep she loses her balance, so I got her the hut so she can lean against it. She sleeps and cuddles inside it EVERY day. <3 She is my sweet baby girl (she is still my baby after 6 years, and so is Korra after 3 years haha)!

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I have 4 conures, and have found they really only like climbing toys, like boings and elaborate swing type things that hang down. I did find this really cute toy made of pinecones hanging from ribbons, and they played with it until they destroyed it. I always move their toys around, just to mix things up a bit, but their climbing toys stay put.


Also, be careful with the fluffy stuff. They can chew the fibers and many people have lost birds or had them go through major surgeries to remove fibers from the crop, because they can't digest them. I have a Sun who loves her fluffy hut, but I have to take it out and inspect it every day. I bought sea grass mats and rolled them up, hung toys and leather strips all over them, and kept them rolled with the large birdy bagels, hoping they would sleep in those. Instead, they have made it their mission to destroy them. But at least I know it's safe.


I love my conures, but bless their little hearts, they can be a bit on the crazy side, and it seems the hormones hit them pretty hard. Right now, my Sun won't allow me to touch my yellow side or black capped. They can climb all over me, but I am not allowed to touch them with my hands. I spend half my day trying to figure out what the new bird rules are!

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Yeah the fluffy toy is a hut and she scratched the fluff off the bottom, so I think she is done with the destruction stage. I touch the bottom sometimes to see if more of the plush is gone, but I just feel crumbs. I think she brings her pellets up there. Either that or when she snaps the pellets through her beak some pieces fling up into the hut. Her hut is just like this one: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=5687&cmpid=04cseYY&gclid=CjwKEAjw652_BRDfkebVrdOGkDISJAD0Q2Rusqllf_nWSR3edVmgdtgc8eb_C1lxgvJzaRPjzZsyDhoCRGnw_wcB

but bigger and has a ugly design on the outside. I put ribbons on the outside of her hut so she would play with those instead of destroying her hut, but it seems that her ribbon stage is over. It seems that Korra caught on though and likes threading ribbon through her beak (but not eating it).


I didn't get her a sea grass hut because I was worried that her talons would get stuck. She got her toe stuck in a bell yesterday, and I specifically got a big bell so that wouldn't happen. I guess like children they will get hurt one way or another. :confused:


She got into a super cranky stage less than a week ago and would even bite the cage when I passed. When I changed her toy or gave her food she would try to find a way to bite me. But I put my hand in the other day and she put her head down for cheek rubs and neck tickles. I'm not sure what was going on (maybe molting) but I'm glad it is over.


She has been very silly though since the day she found me and loves her special toys and being on my head. ^^

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Our new lil conure is so damn nippy and hard-headed that I decided to see if some clicker training would help break the nonsense. After the first session it seemed to put the lil one on a new track. He's starting to listen to me and isn't so committed to bossing me around. I love the lil mini conure rages but they do get old after a while.

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