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Do any of your Greys do this?


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For some reason, Poppy likes to shove her beak between my fingers and just sit there. She also likes to shove her whole head in my hand so that it is cupped around it and hides her face/eyes. Do any of yours do this? I posted these pics in the Poppy thread but wanted to ask this question separately...




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This is a normal part of the GreycieMae's evening. I'm playing a shoot'em up video game and listening to some tunes and she's just hanging out grabbing kisses and attention when she can:



GreycieMae is so adorable! Her name reminds me of a nickname I gave my daughter, Mercedez when she was a baby. I called her Missy Mae.

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No, as much as I know Dorian loves me, I would lose finger segments if I tried this with my boy.


Same with Alfie. He's not a cuddler. :(

He will let me scratch his head... when HE wants me to. If I tried anything else, I'd damn well know about it. :P

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Miss Gilbert's answer is an emphatic no. She has serious rules about contact and at present I am only permitted to scratch her head, neck and shoulders when she decides it is okay. Only on very limited special occasions, like when she is frightened by a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, may I ever touch her without the cage bars "protecting" her from intrusion. My little red bellied parrot Java on the other hand will do exactly what Poppy is doing. Java came to us as a baby and she has always been a cuddler. If I am on my computer she comes and sits next to the mouse and pushes my hand to get me to stop and give her snuggle time.

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