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Sad days for Joe and Val


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I lost my little cockatiel Spencer yesterday morn-ing while getting him ready for a shower outside in the cage.

I did Hemingway first, Serpico (DYA) next, Cathy third with My new use of spraying them with the Aloe Vera Juice, with lots of dislike from them to say the least. When I put little Spence into the cage to dry in the heat from outside. Putting him in the cage he flew within a second right from the perch past my hand and flew away. I looked all over both yesterday and today, with not a sign of him. There are hundreds of trees here and I can't find him. I will still be looking for him, but it doesn't seem to be much hope.


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Oh Joe, I am so sorry to hear this, I do hope you can find him, but I know that chances are slim that you do, but I will pray and hope that by a miracle he is returned to you safe and sound. My heart goes out to you and Valerie for I know what these little guys mean to you both.

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Oh I'm so sorry if there is a place outside where you can put his cage somewhere that he might be able to see it maybie he will fly back to it leave his favorite toy and food in it. Do you have a recording of all your birds if not maybie you could make one and play it as loud as possible out side he may recognise the voices of the other birds and find his way home just a sugestion it worked for a friend of mine.



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Again, THANKS FOR ALL THE WARM FEELINGS AND SWEET WORDS. I'm just so sad for him and how scared he must be. I won't stop looking. He loves people, so I hope he can find some nice people if he can't find his way back home.


Your prayers are well felt by me.



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Yes Dan. he is my son Mario. I was shocked this morning when I seen his name. I will call him today, and find out why he posted here and not called me. He was close to Spencer and all of my family love him because he was so friendly and funny to watch. He really loves people. I'll keep looking and see if Mario can help today.



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I was shocked when I saw that he called you Dad, I won't tell you what I first thought but glad he has been identified as your son Mario. Tell him to quit lurking and post some, the more the merrier, especially from your family, Joe, we love you so much how could we not love any member of your family.


I hope today is the day you find Spencer.

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