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The scare of my life

Ray P

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Corky who has the mind of an engineer and has over the years has had 4 cages and has learned how to open all of them.

When it comes to Corky there is no parrot proof lock.

Yesterday I was in the great room and did not know she let her self out of her cage. She flew over to me as I was going out the door. As I turned to se where she was she missed my shoulder and flew out the door. My heart was in my throat as I ran out the door to see where she went to. Having birds for 45 years she was the first ever to fly out the door. I ran out side calling her and her heard Woo Hoo and looked down and saw her looking at me from under a bush. I ran over to her talking to her as I ran. She came walking out from under that bush and stepped up to my hand and I cupped my other over her body so she would not fly away she said Weeee !!!

It took me the better part of 3 hours for me to settle down and slow my heart down.

When you have parrots being Vigilant is a full time job.

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OH Ray!! My heart stopped! It can all happen so freakishly fast. What an very heartfelt relief it is to know that Corky is safe and sound and that you are OK too! Thank goodness that she called to you as you were searching for her. And you are so correct: it doesn't matter how experienced we are or how many years we have living with fids, constant vigilance is a must! Hugs to you and to Corky!!! xox

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Thats the truth Sterling... they have no clue why we freak out! I am always one step ahead of Sophie usually, but once in awhile, she gets ahead of me. A " quiet bird", is a bird into mischief! I am now trying to figure out, what toy can I replace for Sophie that resembles a hanging chandalier. I am willing to attach any toy into the ceiling where we hang out, but as Sophie is NOT toy crazy, it has to be amazing! Any suggestions people? Nancy

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What a scare! So glad all is good again and pulse is back to normal.


Nancy, try an orb. I got one because i just thought it would be fun, turns out it is fun! But be sure and tell her "no Sophie, that mine" works every time!lol

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Even though I knew the ending, it made me tear up to think of any of us losing our beloved companions. I'm sure Sterling is right and Corky has a different story to tell from Ray. Kudos for quick thinking and bringing her home Ray!

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