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Maalik isn't right. :-(


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Something's off with Maalik. I'm beginning to suspect that he may have been injured by that cup falling on him last week after all. He's eating, drinking and pooping okay, but he's QUIET. No vocalizations and he doesn't want to fly around. That is so not my Maaliky boy.


I have an appointment with a new avian vet for tomorrow morning. Hoping that he's going to okay.

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Thanks everyone. This has been a week and he's still not right. We had a lot going on around here: cages moved out of the dining room so that we could get our cabinets lacquered, minor fumes from that project, and the cup falling onto his back. Now that I look back, it seems that he's been quiet the entire week our cabinet project had been underway.


I actually took him in last night. The vet focused on the cup incident rather than suspecting it could be an underlying illness brewing. He checked out fine. Weighed in at 493 grams. He's still eating and pooping okay, but continues to be quiet. I have some pain meds for him, and will take him back into the vet if he doesn't improve over the next couple of days.

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Thanks everyone. This has been a week and he's still not right. We had a lot going on around here: cages moved out of the dining room so that we could get our cabinets lacquered, minor fumes from that project, and the cup falling onto his back. Now that I look back, it seems that he's been quiet the entire week our cabinet project had been underway.


I actually took him in last night. The vet focused on the cup incident rather than suspecting it could be an underlying illness brewing. He checked out fine. Weighed in at 493 grams. He's still eating and pooping okay, but continues to be quiet. I have some pain meds for him, and will take him back into the vet if he doesn't improve over the next couple of days.


Pain meds? How do you know he's in pain? What's gonna give you a sign to give meds? The vet said he's ok. Think twice about using meds especially if they're not necessary.

Sounds like your bird has simply had a rough week because of all the different things going on and what he's doing is nothing unusual when lots of action and commotion and moving around all over the place is occurring.

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Dave, I don't know if he's in pain or not. The vet thought the heavy mug dropping from a height of 7 feet onto his back could have caused some deep bruising, so they sent me home with some metacam to try. I haven't given him any of it yet.


He's not talking at all. This is not my Maalik.

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It could, but he's still quiet. He's not chatting up a storm anymore. Come to think of it, I don't think he's said very much since being struck by that mug. Still eating, drinking and pooping fine, but continues to be quiet. He did take a very short flight from my arm and onto a cage, but other than that he's not wanted to fly. Plus he's more cuddly and wanting more scritches than before.

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Greys act like they're so bad. But they can be really fragile & vulnerable under all that. And now, you're worried. So you're stressing. So Maalik's feeling that along w/anything else he's nursing from his tough week. It doesn't need to be anything more serious than this "series of unfortunate events" messing w/everyone. You're doing everything you can. So... time & patience ...& ehugs!

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Whether natural quietness due to all of the activity, or the mug incident, or some combo...you know Maalik and what is normal. I can feel your concerns through the screen. If the vet says there's no structural damage, that is a huge relief. Any bruising will heal over time. Just enjoy that Maalik wants to be a bit more of a velcro bird right now. Sending good thoughts for Maalik to be back to his spunky self soon. <3

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Thank you everyone. After 12 worrisome days Maalik is finally flying to me and chatting up a storm. I truly believe that he had been badly bruised, and am ecstatic that I have by beautiful brat bird back!

And he's still cuddly, too!

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