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Scary close call.


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Maalik dodged a huge bullet yesterday, scaring the heck out of me while I watched helplessly from across the room. We are in the process of having our kitchen cabinets refinished, so all the bird cages have been pushed into various rooms while they stain and lacquer everything. The cabinet refinishers had removed all the kitchen cabinet doors, so all the shelves are wide open.


Last night Maalik was hanging out on my shoulder. He's not used to being out while in this particular room, so when I opened the curtains leading into the kitchen, Maalik immediately flew into his usual flight room. I think he may have been disoriented, seeing everything open on the shelves. Not sure. But Maalik made several laps around the room before deciding to perch onto the handle of a cocoa mug on the top shelf. The mug fell forward, knocking Maalik to the ground, followed by the mug striking Maalik squarely on his back.


I immediately scooped him up, repeatedly asking him if he was alright. He could definitely sense that I was concerned about him. He laid his head down on my shoulder for scritches, and he kept asking for more scritches. I couldn't decide if he was hiding a potential injury or simply enjoying all the attention. I know how well they mask their injuries. Kept looking for signs, but he seemed fine last night.


This morning I was so afraid to uncover his cage, but there he was, greeting me with his usual 'Good morning'. And 'I'm a cute bird'.


In a blink of an eye this could have been fatal, especially if that heavy mug had hit his head. So grateful that he's okay. Phew!

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Ya, my stomach did a little turn, there. Hate thinking about it, even when it all came right in the end. But it's a rite of passage. They all do "something" scary enough to remember every second forever after. Hopefully, now that Maalik has crossed that off his bucket list, you can move on to whatever fun & excitement comes next!!

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Oh my goodness, so glad he is ok!


I had a big scare with Alfie when he was younger and still learning to fly. He was living upstairs in my room at the time and I had him out of the cage. I can't remember exactly what happened but it ended with him getting spooked and launching himself out into the upstairs hallway, along to the stairs, turning 180 degrees then flying straight down the stairs and into the wall at the bottom. I couldn't do anything but watch as it happened. I didn't see him hit the wall as I couldn't keep up with him but I heard it. (He was still young so wasn't so good at turning or landing yet) I rushed down the stairs expecting the worse but thankfully he was sitting on the floor unharmed. There was a big dust mark on the wall in the shape of him (almost cartoon like!) where he had hit it- but it looked like he'd managed to pull up and hit it chest on rather than head on and must have managed to slow himself enough not to do any damage. He was absolutely fine and climbed straight back up on me.


I can laugh about it now but at the time I was convinced he'd flown head first at full speed into the wall and had killed himself!

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