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Isaac Update


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Okay...I couldn't help it....had to sneak a pic in. Haven't seen these in years!!




Tummy Featherrrrs!!!!!!! I am thinking that maybe the addition of a Calcium source is helping him. I started sharing some Almond Milk with him that has good calcium. I could swear that I was seeing new feathers every hour on Saturday. Over the last week...this is what popped out of my boy!! He's got em all over and he hasn't even shown the slightest tendency to tweak. I am cautiously optimistic at this point. Never seen the tummy feathers in like 3 years. I...am....giddy. We shall see. Fingers crossed for the little guy. I am definitely continuing with the Almond Milk. Gluten free, dairy free. Also been showering him with Feather-In. Oh please let it beeee. :)

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Whoa! He is looking finer than Miss Gilbert with his new tummy feathers. Glad to hear the almond milk seems to be a factor. I put it in her oatmeal. While we have been away for two months we got out of that daily habit and you just reminded me how much we both enjoyed it. Thanks for the update, your posts never fail to make me smile.

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Whoa! He is looking finer than Miss Gilbert with his new tummy feathers. Glad to hear the almond milk seems to be a factor. I put it in her oatmeal. While we have been away for two months we got out of that daily habit and you just reminded me how much we both enjoyed it. Thanks for the update, your posts never fail to make me smile.


It seems different this time. Never seen feathers grow so fast in my life. It took well over 3 months to see this many on him last time he was growing out. Now I think it has been about 2.5 weeks since I first started really seeing a new wave. Ohh my...this morning...I am just filled with smiles. I cannot believe what I see. He....is....beautiful. I hope to have the next pictures i post be of a nearly covered or fully covered bird. His back is looking great this morning. I'm stunned. Didn't know feathers could grow that fast. He also doesn't preen nearly as much as I used to see him do. More getting into trouble...which is okay by me. Maybe he just needed a dedicated source of calcium....that is what I am hoping. Keeping those fingers crossed with cautious optimism. :)


Those tummy feathers are even fuller now and go all the way down to his little red tail. Feathery butt too....with some coming in on the pantaloons. :)

Edited by Elvenking
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Issac is looking great and I have my fingers crossed that they continue to improve, he is a lucky boy to have someone completely devoted to him.


Thanks....he is still going strong today. Filling in nicely. I'll be on here in tears of joy with pictures if the golden moment should arrive. :)

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He sure looks proud of his little self.


Hhahahha...yep. When i check in on him during the day via remote camera. Sometimes the way I see him sitting there casually with his eyes slightly rested....he looks like a king waiting for his follower to come home. LOL. I am sure he has an elevated sense of self. LOL.



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Lovely this progress gives you a great feeling just keep in mind he may do away with them later. Fingers crossed they stay!


Ahhh yes the cause for my cautious optimism. The only thing I can say at this point is that it is the best he has ever done. He usually doesn't let more that 2 or 3 feathers materialize on his tummy for the last 3 years or so. It's about 60% covered now. From far away he kinda looks like a full bird from some angles. He's getting showered with praise. :) Though if it had to do with the Calcium intake...then he never had anything to do with it at all. I'll keep all posted.

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The key thing I picked up in you post is "... then he never had anything to do with it at all." There are so many variables with vitamins, sunlight, natural moulting phases, and too many other factors to list of which Isaac has absolutely no control. You have been such a great support system to him and have loved him feathered and frumpy. Cheers to working your mind overtime trying everything to help him get back to his regal self. I love looking him right in the eye in the photo, he is a beautiful boy.

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The key thing I picked up in you post is "... then he never had anything to do with it at all." There are so many variables with vitamins, sunlight, natural molting phases, and too many other factors to list of which Isaac has absolutely no control. You have been such a great support system to him and have loved him feathered and frumpy. Cheers to working your mind overtime trying everything to help him get back to his regal self. I love looking him right in the eye in the photo, he is a beautiful boy.



Yep, I had paid attention to Calcium as one of the first things. During the spring and summer seasons....I am biking a lot. One of my other habits is to have some cereal at night, and I used to share my cereal with Isaac until someone told me that dairy is probably not the best thing...so I backed off...then began sharing Almond milk with him. However...when winter would come, I wouldn't bike and i would be out of my habit of giving him the calcium that I typically give him. Forever causing me to figure out why at certain times of the year he is picking. Well...I had thought about the Calcium recently again and brought back the Almond milk again. Bam...feathers start popping up like wild. The big difference now is I give him some every day. I swear...within the last 2-3 weeks....I have witnessed what would otherwise be considered a miracle. I have to believe it is directly related....each morning he is more and MORE beautiful and I get a little choked up because I am going to want to take lots of pictures of him again and share pictures of my baby with the world. I kissed him on his tummy last night....smooooth smooth feathers. Ohhh my love. Crazy about my bird!


I look forward to sharing more pictures...I'll take one Monday and post progress. :)


I have also read other articles that are suggesting that most picking and plucking may be rooted in Calcium deficiencies. That is not to say that psychological issues aren't at play, but calcium can be at the root, and stress can push it over the edge. So it can be a multi-faceted issue. If you have a picker\plucker...I recommend calcium boosting if it is not a dedicated part of current nutrition.

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So why would you be waiting to post more pics...? It's not like anyone's going to say "Please stop posting pictures, Steve. We don't like cute, happy Issac pictures. We can only take so many & we've had enough already!" I say make hay while the sun shines, dammit! ")

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So why would you be waiting to post more pics...? It's not like anyone's going to say "Please stop posting pictures, Steve. We don't like cute, happy Issac pictures. We can only take so many & we've had enough already!" I say make hay while the sun shines, dammit! ")



I know folks on the forums will appreciate everything about greys. I am just talking about others who get introduced to my baby and ask why he does what he does. It's more than just that too. I know it is me if there is something wrong with him. It's a personal guilt to live with. No matter what, i cannot absolve myself of it. Maybe my heart will ache a bit less.



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I know folks on the forums will appreciate everything about greys. I am just talking about others who get introduced to my baby and ask why he does what he does. It's more than just that too. I know it is me if there is something wrong with him. It's a personal guilt to live with. No matter what, i cannot absolve myself of it. Maybe my heart will ache a bit less.






Oh my goodness what was that!?! Have to say I have no-o-ooo idea & the next time anyone says anything about how big a disconnect can happen when people are trying to communicate in writing, I am absolutely going to link this post!!


...You said something about posting more pictures of Issac's progress in a couple of days. But just I want more happy pictures right now. And I'm going to go out on a limb & say we all might.



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Oh my goodness what was that!?! Have to say I have no-o-ooo idea & the next time anyone says anything about how big a disconnect can happen when people are trying to communicate in writing, I am absolutely going to link this post!!


...You said something about posting more pictures of Issac's progress in a couple of days. But just I want more happy pictures right now. And I'm going to go out on a limb & say we all might.




Hahhahhaa. Yeah....I misunderstood. I have a lot of guilt about his picking so that is the first thing that comes to mind. Of course...I'll snap more pics of him. To be really honest....int the past each time he would appear to start to get more feathers, I would take pictures...and shortly after the pictures...he would start up again. So I felt it was kind of a jinx. Now it all feels a lot different and I'll snap more photos of him. I love him so much!

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.... still waiting....!!!!


Okkkeeee...some pics of my boy....not sure what yer looking to see.....he is coming along still...needs a couple more weeks I think....doing real good and I am keeping up the Feather-In showers and Calcium. Might have a fully feathered bird soon. :)





Coming along on the sides and around the legs...




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