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Moving- Suggestions for Transition?


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I'm already feeling guilty for the transition my (almost 3 year old) CAG is about to undergo. My husband and I are separating. I plan to move her in with me at my mother's and stay through the end of December/beginning of January. We will then be moving again to an apartment. I'm nervous about how she will react. Not only will I be relocating her, but taking her from my husband. Although she will not let him touch her, she does mimic his voice and they have a lot of interaction with each other. Do you have any suggestions as to how I can most easily make this transition with her? Thank you for your words of wisdom, guys!

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If you are her favored one I don't believe the transition to a new living space is much of an issue at all if you are around. I think it's more important to them that their flock is wherever they are. So many people travel with Greys and have no issues. I would be more concerned if the husband was taking her as she won't interact physically with him.

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Just relax, talk about the move and try and make it sound exciting if you can (even though it probably isn't for you!). Alfie has moved location, cage and house a few times and he's always been ok with it. He originally lived in a cage in my room at my parents house 'til he moved into a different cage downstairs in the living area. Then I moved out and took him with him and he went back into his old cage in the new house. Then he moved into a bigger cage into a different room in that house. Then I moved house again and he kept his big cage which he's still in now. (This has been over a 12 year period)

He always takes some time to adjust but I always tried to remain upbeat and positive and would explain what was going on and why and he seemed to take it on the chin... or uh... beak.... and settled in fine each time.

Don't feel guilty. Things change and sometimes they're out of your control. But so long as your grey is with you, she'll eventually accept the change and move on happily.

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You have nothing to feel guilty about! It is a fact of life, and you need to lead with excitement over your new adventure. Introduce new home, one room at a time. If you are the bonded one, your grey won't give a hoot. If your ex, IS important, it would be good for him to be involved. Even if a Grey mimics them, but is NOT bonded, a Grey, won't care but still mimic. Nancy

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My Bailey mimics my wife more than me, but, doesn't want anything to do with her. He likes her laugh, and her voice. Don't worry so much about moving. I've relocated many birds, to many different situations. As long as you, as flock leader, are at ease, the bird will pick up from you that the changes are good, and will be okay with them.

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