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contact calls


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Usually when I get home from work, I open Sophie's bird room for her to come out, while scrambling to get Ollie's leash on to go out. Sophie will tell Ollie " go out and pee." Today she didn't come out, waited until I came back with Ollie, and started her favorite game. Contact call. She will start a whistle, I return the same. I do a different whistle, she does the same.She derives immense pleasure from this game and thinks its a riot! How many other parents have greys that do this? I have always found it fascinating that she loves to do this. Nancy

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The first thing Misty taught when I adopted him was his contact call. That was more than eleven years ago. My learning it was the key to our bonding. We too play the whistle game. It can go on for a while. We also both enjoy it hugely.

I shall record his call and post it here. Perhaps we can make an audio library of our Greys contact calls.


Steve n Misty

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Apparently from Miss Gilbert's perspective I am a slow learner and haven't gotten it right yet. She will make a contact call, I answer back and it stops. She just wants to know where I am. Also, it is interesting to me that she and Java do not do contact calls back and forth between them. Java will play the game with me, but I am never allowed to make up any calls. She makes a contact call, I answer. She will add a note and I answer. But if I miss the order of calls or hit a wrong note, she will make a gong show buzzer and then repeat the call until I get it right. When she gets tired of it, she will make a series of notes that I can't possibly keep up and then after a moment of silence she laughs a wicked little laugh.

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Alfie always contact calls when I'm out of the room. We use all sorts of calls to each other but a lot of it consists of whistles- especially if I'm upstairs.


My housemate sometimes joins in with Alfie and they'll have a 'whistle-off'. One of them will start making up tunes and the other one either copies or adds to it. They get louder and longer each time!


It's all great fun

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Good to hear other parents and birds do this!

Sterling...Farts count! Its a contact call. Fart back! {I am sure you do}. I live in a house full of boys, doesn't even faze me. LOL!

Neoow... Alfie is truly into it! I LOVE that your house mate gets involved. Excellent socialization

Katana600... Miss Gilbert is having fun! You lose the challenge for her! LOL! Thats their goal!

Mistyparrot... That would be fun to document their contact call.

Greytness... Maalik and you have a GREAT bond!

Whenever Sophie feels she needs to " out do me"... she breaks into " rapping ". Ryan taught her that. She starts clucking and dancing... I can't do that and she knows.I just laugh, go pick her up and tell her she wins. She will say " Hi Rom " Nancy

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