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POLL - Does your Grey Talk ?


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Hi There!! Floyd who we think is about 6 yrs now talks loads. Because he had a 'bad start' to life he shouts loads too (where previous owners used to shout at him i guess?) Amazing how he's developed and mimic's our voices now rather than the previous owners!!!

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dblhelix wrote:

I voted...was the intent to document the current age of a grey and whether they talk now, or the age at which they started to talk? My guess is the former and that how I voted...B)


LOL that was my question too - I assumed it was at what age did they start?

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danmcq wrote:

Yep, sorry I guess I should have clarified that, it is the current age and if they talk or not. B)


Thanks for bring that up Mark!!


All- Please ensure that on top of the wonder information your posting that you go to the poll link and vote!! Thanks.


Once their in, I can save the image and show it here on the Forum. Then we'll have our on mini-poll and can get a percentage on this that will at least be somewhat or close to actual data that is correct. :-)


Ooops, I documented the age when Bella said her first words, not her current age..

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Guest smokey

My grey is 1&1/2 and says a few words like hellow goodboy Smokey he Meows and Moos says cookie Boop and varies other words

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Guest smokey

My grey is 1&1/2 and says a few words like hellow goodboy Smokey he Meows and Moos says cookie Boop and varies other words

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My little guy Zuri has been talking since i brought him home..hes now almost 2 years old and has spoken at about 5 months old. He learns new words and whistles alomost weekly..hello, gotta go, i wanna shower, are you all wet, hey gorgeous, good boy, whats your problem?, what?, be quiet, i love you, paul, tara, hey baby, honey im home, to name a few and the usual wolf whistle and the bomb he learned last week.

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Alcazar is 14 months now and he says: hello, Acazzzar(trying to say his name) how are you, sexy whistle, does a curl tongue noise,barks like a dog, meows, monkey.A tad of the Andy Griffith because hes still learning it.

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My first grey Charlie spoke at about 9 months, but I am suprised as my second grey Keeko who is 5 months has just started to say his own name! I guess they are like children and all do things at different stages.

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Ok - I voted, but wasn't sure if it was current age that was required, or when talking started. Zahzu said 'hello' at 3 months, now she's 11 months and says over 20 words.

She gets called 'cuckoo' quite often by myself and my husband, and today she came up with a new sentence: "I want a cuckoo". I was busy with a client when she said it, and I couldn't resist but to crack up laughing! So did the client! Heeheheh...

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