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hi everyone

My name is kevin and have become a proud owner of a 3yr old male C.A.G called noodles.

He has been with me two weeks and is eating out my hand already which i think is great but he will not say a word and if i try to have him step up he nips my hand.

I mist him every morning and he dislikes it but i was told he needs it due to dry skin and preventing pucking, is the misting making him moody thats why he isnt talking or more important step up ?

Feel abit lost any advice would be great.....thanks

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Hi Kevin,

Congratulations on taking in Noodles!

First off.... 2 weeks is absolutely no time at all in a grey's world. So please don't think you are doing anything wrong because he isn't noisy or nips you. This is to be expected at this stage. Think of it from Noodles point of view- his whole world has changed. New home, new surroundings, new people, new routine. Greys are super observant and can be change adverse. At this stage he is still getting used to the changes that have happened and probably doesn't trust you yet- which is why you'll get a nip if you try and ask him to step up.

Just take a few steps back. Talk to him, sit near his cage, feed him as you have been doing. Get him used to you, your family, your home and your routines. If you try and rush him, he will react negatively. He needs to have time and space to figure things out in his own time. And that length of time will vary. It could be days, weeks or months before he's ready to step up for you. Check out the thread about a parrot called Gilbert (or miss gilbert)- that'll give you a good indication of what we mean when we mention "grey time"!

Also, check out some posts by a user called samansad (I think I got the name right!) - he recently took in a grey and has been busy posting questions and videos about his new grey, Alex and how they are adapting to life together.


The sounds will come, given time. As will the trust and mutual understanding required for him to step up for you. Patience and respect is key- Noodles will let you know when he is ready... or not ready!

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Hi Kevin, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on bringing your new friend Noodles into your life. If he is eating out of your hand already, that is fantastic after only two weeks with you. You are off to a good start. I really couldn't say about the misting if it is better to do it now or wait until you have a little more trust. Someone with more knowledge may have a better view on that for you. There are also some good threads about misting such as spraying upwards from below him, using pure aloe juice etc. Does he have plucking issues or dry skin problems already? That may make a difference in when and how often you should mist him. If he is not growling, eating from your hand etc. I am guessing he is feeling pretty confident and is making a transition which is why he would be quiet and not ready to step up for you right away. There is also what we refer to as a "honeymoon" period where a new grey is on his best behavior after a move and that could change. Slow, steady and predictable is a good start for him. My relationship with Miss Gilbert has taken a lot longer but she came to us after she had already developed some serious fear issues and had been rehomed multiple times.

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thankyou everyone for your comments ;) I might sound a bit daft but i am getting worried noodles has plucked around the the bottom of his neck /top of chest,so i am about to book him in at a avian vet with him being new to me want to get bloods done and a general health check but not getting wings trimmed/clipped?.Just not looking forward to attempting to get him in the travel cage dont want to spoil the little bit of trust he has for me.I have emailed previous owner and he said noodles has plucked in same area and never goes any further i am wishing its over preening? just finding the odd soft white feather ?.

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thankyou everyone for your comments ;) I might sound a bit daft but i am getting worried noodles has plucked around the the bottom of his neck /top of chest,so i am about to book him in at a avian vet with him being new to me want to get bloods done and a general health check but not getting wings trimmed/clipped?.Just not looking forward to attempting to get him in the travel cage dont want to spoil the little bit of trust he has for me.I have emailed previous owner and he said noodles has plucked in same area and never goes any further i am wishing its over preening? just finding the odd soft white feather ?.


If they are soft white floaty feathers (which stick to EVERYTHING) these are probably normal down feathers. You'll get used to seeing these floating around your house. Noodles will drop lots of these and it's not necessarily plucking. If you're finding grey feathers mixed in and you see him pulling his grey feathers out then he might be plucking or over preening. Others will be able to give you more advice about this as fortunately I haven't had this kind of problem with Alfie.


However, a regular vet checkup isn't a bad idea... so you may wish to book him in for a routine checkup at some point anyway.

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