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hi everyone:)..... i have recently become a proud owner of a C.A.G 3 year old male. When i went to pick him up he was chatting away and eating off his owners shoulder. I know its going to take time to bond and for him to trust me but i am very worried he has not eatin anything for 3 days ? and he growls and shakes if i come within 1 meter of him. I let him out the cage and he seems to enjoy sitting on top of his cage looking out the window. I have tried all his treats just wish he would eat. Many thanks and any advice for be great.

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He obviously was very bonded to his previous owner, and now his entire world has been completely shaken up. Are you giving him the same diet that he was on at his previous home? Is he in the same cage, or is it a new one? Same toys, or all new? Do you see any food on the bottom of his cage? He could be taking some bites when you're not looking. They're not dainty eaters, and a lot ends up on the floor.


So many changes. You're right. It's going to take time. You're new and scary to him. Softly talking to him and sitting in a chair set just outside his comfort zone will be good. As you see him relax, you can scoot your chair closer. Play music for him.


He'll get there. Patience and time is what he desperately needs right now.

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As others are saying. They are certainly shaken up by huge transitions like that. Everything he knows is totally and completely gone. Scary as hell. And...he doesn't speak in a way that you can communicate what is happening to him. So he has no way to begin the process of feeling secure in his new surroundings. It has to happen naturally which takes time. Find out as much as you can about his relations with the owner and try to find the things that make him happy. Be upbeat, cheerful and very accepting of his need to feel things out, growl a bit, and not be the happiest parrot in the world. Be all accepting and hold off on expectations for the moment. Care for him, and see him through this tough transition. Even if his owner wasn't super close with him, he probably really depended on his owner. Sentient beings they are. They do attach themselves to us. It is natural.



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We were lucky, that Sophie"s dad, was just giving her up, due to his very busy work schedule. He called her weekly on the phone, and stayed part of her life for several months.Do you have that opportunity? It was very important for Sophie. He would call... I would yell for Sophie " dad's on the phone!" She would come running! Nancy

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