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Hi Speedygo, welcome to the forum. How did you come to have two young greys at the same time? It must be a lot of fun at your house. Do they like each other and play together? I have always wondered if two babies near the same age might have a closer bond then getting a second baby when the first is an adult. I look forward to reading more about your life with your flock. Thanks for joining us.

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Well there goes my theory that they might get along better if they came to the same home near the same age. We haven't tried having two greys at the same time. We do have two parrots and now about 4 1/2 years in they have a sort of peace agreement, but if the flighted one would get close enough the other one would most certainly bite her. It will be interesting as time passes whether Dixon and Novalee will become friends or if they have a peace agreement. They are both beautiful greys.

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Welcome! First... I don't support two greys in one home. Some make it work, but I have my doubts. I can count on one hand, naming three families, that have made it work. Now you want to add a Mackaw? YOU are kidding me? You want two of the most amazing species of birds to work together, and you have an amazing flock? Sorry... I can't support you with your plans. Best of luck to you, but I won't be behind you with support. Nancy

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Nancy, I disagree about having two greys. There are many more than three homes on our forum that have made it work. It isn't what I would suggest someone with no grey experience start out doing, but he already has them in his home and is learning from them. Often Speedygo, it will be suggested that getting two greys at the same time increases the chance they will communicate with each other and leave you out. Plus, if you are new to greys, you may not be able to understand what part of the behavior you see is related to age and your interaction with each parrot and what is a synergy of the two of them working together or against each other. It will take a lot more effort to learn what Dixon and Novalee need from you individually and to divide your time so you give them one on one time with you away from the other. As far as bringing in a macaw, talk to your avian vet and ask about the effect of grey dust on a Macaw. It seems I have read something about the Macaw's having breathing issues if housed with greys or other dusty birds.

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I keep my macaw in a different room as macaws can succumb to a respiratory ailment after inhaling a grey's dust over a long period of time. I know of 4 macaw owners who have lost their birds from grey dust. I also keep my Jardine's in a different room for the very same reason. Don't know if there was any correlation associated with my having my first Jardine's cage next to my grey, but he died from a respiratory problem at the young age of 5.5 months. I keep hepa filters going 24/7 next to my grey as well.


Personally I'd rather err on the side of caution, as I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if my macaw died from something that is completely preventable.

Edited by Greytness
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Yes read about how the grey can affect the macaw their for no macaw. As to having two greys in one house and having to divide our time it's more than just me.we spend time together with them they get their one on one and also they have their own time.also now know not to ask you for support Nancy

Edited by Speedygo
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I really don't see what the big deal is about keeping 2 greys in one house. I've got 3 greys at home and all have their personalities. they get along and they don't along. Depends on what side of the bed they wake up from. All of mine are adults and never knew each other as youngsters. 2 were adopted. The most important thing is each having their own cage====2 birds, 2 personalities.


I echo what others have said about grey dander getting in a macaw's nasal passage. the macaw needs a large space away from the greys.

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They have their own cage and Java tree as Novalee likes to be more to her self when playing so we got 2 java tree so they both enjoy their time outside the cage. Every other day we switch them the Java tree as one faces the window n they have different toys. As for macaw not an issue as no macaw is in my house

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They have their own cage and Java tree as Novalee likes to be more to her self when playing so we got 2 java tree so they both enjoy their time outside the cage. Every other day we switch them the Java tree as one faces the window n they have different toys. As for macaw not an issue as no macaw is in my house


OK, sorry about the macaw . SO, can I assume that some of your questions have been answered satisfactorly?

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Speedygo... Just because I disagree with your bird arrangement, doesn't mean I won't support you, in making your arrangement work! I will support you 100% to help you ! It isn't about us, just about our birds. Its just a text " I agree to disagree" Thats what life is about. Don't get offensive! No point in that.

Everyone knows... I am NOT a supporter, in more than one grey. You are! There are others here that are as well... they know I will frown on that. We disagree, we argue, but it has NOTHING to do with supporting each other! We are a family, that loves our birds, and we put our " sensitivity", on hold, to make our fids amazing! We support you, to get any birds you want. We also, will respond " are you nuts? Its not an attack on you. DO what works for you!

Sure, you don't know me, nor I you....but I support you 100% to have two greys, and any other bird you desire.We just have different beliefs, and thats okay! Nancy

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