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My treasure chest


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I keep all the molted feathers from my flock also. I use a lot of them in jewelry that I make, generally earrings. Also, I have a few cherished ones, like the little yellow one from my beloved lovebird, Bella, in a tiny memory jar that I often wear on a chain around my neck. Or the molted tail feather that I have added to a framed photo of my Jessye. It's the only photo of him, & only feather that I have from him. I feel it's similar to people keeping locks of loved one's hair.

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There is something beautiful, uplifting, hopeful about a feather. I have saved ours too. I draw feathers, am mesmerized by feathers in quilts, thread painting and artwork. Of course, no feather is as wonderful as those still attached to my raggedy little Cajun queen.

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A long time ago I used to give feathers from my B&G and CAG to a lady who said she wanted to make necklaces from them. I later found out she was selling the necklaces in an art gallery for quite a lot of money! I went to see her necklaces and they truly were works of art. Very beautiful. No, I didn't get a commission, lol, but it made me feel happy that my bird's beautiful feathers were being worn and admired from so many people. :)

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