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Funny Story - Emotional Intelligence of a 2 Year Old *Confirmation*

Devin Corso

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I had a quick funny story to tell!


Korra and I have been having a struggle since I have come back from college and I am following the advice of the forum (thank you again!), but I did have to clean her cage. So while I was doing so she reached down quickly and bit me. I firmly said "Korra! No." And what does she do? She said "Phllltt!" (Blowing raspberries sound). ;) I eventually got the cage cleaned and closed it, and she lunged towards me again. I said "No biting! That's not nice." And she blew raspberries at me once again with puffed feathers and pinned eyes.


If her behavior doesn't demonstrate what research shows about African Greys having the emotional intelligence of a two year old child, I don't know what does! That is what a kid would do if they had to stay in their room, or put away their toys!


She really made me laugh. Do any of you have funny stories about your birds doing funny childlike things?

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Dorian consistently uses his bell to work out his aggravation when he's been told off for doing something naughty. He'll look at me, make a disgusted noise and then proceed to beat the stuffing out of his bell, all the while muttering under his breath, presumably about what a bad mommy I am. It's really funny, to me at least.

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Sophie calls on everyone when it is shower time. NO ROM! ( me) Ollie come here! ( dog), SEAN SEAN ( my son). She calls all her resources, the only one that is sitting outside the door is Ollie. We are all empathetic, but the shower needs to get done... she HATES that we are all on the same page. Our spoiled girl doesn't always have control and THAT pisses her off more than the shower. Nancy

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Miss Gilbert came to us from a checkered past of a few rehomes. She sat frozen for the first year and a half or so. She has a salty vocabulary and uses it judiciously when things are not to her liking. She also will go to the top of her cage and pelt me with toys and food. But right in the middle of a tirade, she will go into her cage to her favorite perch and tuck her head and say sweetly "wanna tickle?". One of the things I love is that she will start saying "Night night" "Time to go night night Gil girl" "Sweet Dreams" every night about 8:30. But every time I turn off the living room light a I step into my room she shouts out a "startled" "Whoo" as if turning out the light was a big surprise to her. Then she laughs, I laugh and we all go to sleep with a smile. In the morning when she wakes up, she starts whistling, calling the dogs and asking them "Wanna go outside?" because she knows that is the first thing we do to start the day. She is adorable and I can't imaging life without her.

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In the past Alfie has nipped me and immediately said "ouch!" before I had chance to react.


I had to laugh recently because Alfie is forever telling the cats off. He'll say "oi!", "No!" and "Off!" when he thinks they're up to no good or if he thinks they should get down from somewhere. I went to visit my sister and my nephew and my nephew (just shy of 2 years old) kept running around after the dog shouting his name and telling him "no" and "away!" if he thought he was being naughty.

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neoow... If Alfie has nipped... said ouch..., that, is a MAJOR milestone in my book, and you need to pay attention! Sophie doing the same thing, was a GAME changer. Sophie finally understood, or could correlate an ouch with biting. She wasn't imitating. She understood the concept.Make it a big deal! PRAISE when Alfie does it!!!!! Of course, I would return to cage when a bite was offered, as well as my kids did too. Sophie learned, " biting" doesn't get her where the fun is! Nancy

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