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Alfie Flying


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No he's been flying for years, believe it or not. He has always been very chaotic with it and just flings himself in the general direction of where he wants to go. His landings aren't always so bad though. It's just the first time I've actually managed to catch him on video in flight.

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The sound of those wings bring me back happy memories. Miss Gilbert is still unable to fly so watching Alfie fly to you just makes me so happy.


Aw, well I'm glad it made you happy!


Do you think Miss Gilbert will ever find her wings? I'd like to hope so! :)

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There have been some rare parronts here who free fly their fids . BUT & I can't stress how big that but is, there are huge inherent risks & most would never be willing to chance losing their babies. So, flight outdoors is always limited to after the fid is fully comfortable wearing a flight suit AND in areas w/limited risk from things like hawk strikes, etc.


Go Alfie!! Fun to watch but I was kind of holding my breath for a second. He reminded me a bit of a cartoon bird in flight. :)

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That was amazing, do you think you could safely do that outdoors?


No, I could not free fly Alfie. He sometimes spooks and just flies off in any which direction- so this would be particularly hazardous outside. He could be helped by a gust of wind which would carry him further away, he could get hit by a car or injured by an animal... it's just not worth the risk. Plus, he's not very good at recalling. If he doesn't want to fly to me, he won't. I can get as excited about it as I like, I can offer treats, toys and fuss... but if he's got something else on his mind, he will NOT come to me. So he's not a particularly good candidate for free flying.


If I was going to take him outside to fly, I'd have him on a harness. But I'd have to get over several hurdles to harness train him. (He's not fond of having his back touched and wings are a total no go area unless you want a bite).


Some people have trained parrots to free fly and it looks like an incredible experience- check out the "BirdTricks" channel on youtube, for example- they free fly a lot of their birds and post videos about it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1BpMn4ErGPo8XB3Rzltojg?&ab_channel=BirdTricks However, I don't think I could ever get to that stage with Alfie.

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No, I could not free fly Alfie. He sometimes spooks and just flies off in any which direction- so this would be particularly hazardous outside. He could be helped by a gust of wind which would carry him further away, he could get hit by a car or injured by an animal... it's just not worth the risk. Plus, he's not very good at recalling. If he doesn't want to fly to me, he won't. I can get as excited about it as I like, I can offer treats, toys and fuss... but if he's got something else on his mind, he will NOT come to me. So he's not a particularly good candidate for free flying.


If I was going to take him outside to fly, I'd have him on a harness. But I'd have to get over several hurdles to harness train him. (He's not fond of having his back touched and wings are a total no go area unless you want a bite).


Some people have trained parrots to free fly and it looks like an incredible experience- check out the "BirdTricks" channel on youtube, for example- they free fly a lot of their birds and post videos about it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1BpMn4ErGPo8XB3Rzltojg?&ab_channel=BirdTricks However, I don't think I could ever get to that stage with Alfie.


I want to try and get the best out of Silver, it's slow going... he's not potty trained yet, I was waiting for him to be really comfortable around me which he is now after 2 months. Starting potty training this week, I'll be really happy if I can conquer this at least! If Alfie hates his back being touched a good tip I learned somewhere on the internet is that while you are petting him slowly move your other hand towards his wings, each time rub his wings more and more until it doesn't bother him at all. Don't pet him without rubbing his wings. He'll learn that he doesn't get head scratches unless he allows his wings rubbed too and will eventually accept it. Hope that helps.

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I will never forget raising Isaac and the first time he flew from his baby days. It is what really sealed the deal and made me make the decision to let him keep his wings and not trim him. He would be trotting around on the ground flapping wildly and sometimes getting a few inches of loft. Then one time we were playing on the ground and he starts to do it...but this time...with excitement like he finally thought it was possible. And then whhheewwww.....up...uppp...up to the highest point under my vaulted ceilings in my old apartment with me following under with my hands outstretched. I did end up catching him the first time and helping a little. He was breathing heavy but with a look of amazement in his eyes. How can ya not let him fly. Now.....if you are standing near an open door in a room along the hallway. You will sometime see a grey blur go by. Then the first time they fly to you and land on you....so awesome. Oh yes....it can get old sometimes now though.....but it is still amazing! LOL.

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