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Uses for your Grey?


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I have found a great use for Misty my African Grey. If I get an itch on my nose Misty's beak is a perfect nose de-itcher.

Just gently rub the tip of his beak on the affected area and the itch goes away as if by magic!

Has anyone else found an unusual application for these wonderful but utterly useless creatures? ;)


Steve n Misty



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I grab mine by the belly and hold her back to my ear. She then crooks her head up to my lips and lets me talk into the back of her head, as if I'm on the phone. This makes my wife think I'm very busy and she leaves me alone. It's teamwork. I usually make calls to the parront abuse society and file complaints about the way I'm being treated. Funny thing is, they never do anything about it.

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I have found a great use for Misty my African Grey. If I get an itch on my nose Misty's beak is a perfect nose de-itcher.

Just gently rub the tip of his beak on the affected area and the itch goes away as if by magic!

Has anyone else found an unusual application for these wonderful but utterly useless creatures? ;)


Steve n Misty




I LOVE Isaac's beak! I love to kiss him right on it all the time. He has gotten so used to it that if I move my face close to him....he will walk up and mash his beak into my lips for a kiss. I love him! I believe in the healing powers of the beak!

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Phenix may arguably be best at interior decorating. Even though he's been the inspiration behind so much of our decor, he's especially proud of his own custom woodworking & paper lace projects. Overall, he's much less the talons-on & more the managerial type though.

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Gabby is our house "cleaner". She can clean off a countertop in seconds flat. Me? I would be trying to organize everything and put it where I think it should go, she just has this way of getting it done so quickly and amazingly I can still find everything afterwards.

Ixta and Cotay are in construction, they have this great idea for textured walls, their idea is that there should be no texture. It is starting to catch on!

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I found that I have another use for my Grey: a backpack. Rearranging couches and cages and pulling stuff out of some cupboards requires the use of a good backpack. Every now and then it's nice just to reach back there and give my backpack a little squeeze and a tickle tickle and then carry on with my work.

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Tempting but no. lol She attaches herself to any can, mostly dog food cans now since we learned this habit of hers. Now we have to drink our adult beverages from a glass, those don't bother her. (dogs dinner last night ended up on the floor and not in their bowls because she helped yet again)

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Tempting but no. lol She attaches herself to any can, mostly dog food cans now since we learned this habit of hers. Now we have to drink our adult beverages from a glass, those don't bother her. (dogs dinner last night ended up on the floor and not in their bowls because she helped yet again)


Misty is the opposite to your feathered can opener. For him any glass with a drink in it is a challenge! He is superb at landing on them without accident but taking off ? Oh dear no! :eek:


Steve n Misty

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I use Rikki my grey to open boxes that come from UPS & to preen my wet hair. Nilah my Amazon to destroy anything I'm interested in keeping and eating any leftover food. And Talon to be the tattletale on all misbehavior going on in my house.

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Brutus "opens" boxes for me. He also redecorates by chewing…ah, woodworking, the door frames, and making eyelet holes in my perfectly good sheets (a newly discovered talent, thank you Brutus!). Pretty much any purse, box, or, as yet, undiscovered item left on the counter is ripe for redesign. Oh, and lest I forget, he has shredded, wait… frilled, the tops of my curtains. I have given up trying to counter his artistic vision and await his leadership in design.

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Miss Gilbert is my organizer and trainer. She is uncanny and knowing what needs to be done around here and motivating me to get it done. When I was thinking we need to replace the 25 year old builders' grade carpet one the steps, she started pulling out the fibers to motivate me. She is also a relationship expert, who needs marriage counseling. She is so determined to hear the voice of "her" man that she drowns out my words and admonishes me to "be quiet". We have to go into a different room to have focused conversations. Wait-a-cotton-picking-minute.... maybe her REAL job is to give her daddy peace after a long day at the office.... no henpecking, honey-do lists or complaints from the lil missus. Hahaha... see, she knows what I should do before I even think of it. Now get out in that kitchen and make him some pie!

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