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Brat Birds

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Do any of you ever yell at your birds??

I have found that when my Sun Conure gets into something he shouldn't, if I yell at him to get out - he does!! I know when I first got parrots I was told not to raise me voice to them. I now wish I had started yelling sooner! LOL Oh, it hasn't stopped him from wanted to come to me and play with me.

I have never yelled at Peanut, but then he doesn't do much that needs yelling at.

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I have raised my voice at my parrots, of course. Sterling Gris raises his back at me. "Open the door, I want to come out, HELLO". He is very good at it and can be quite loud at it. I believe our parrots know how to let us know what pisses them off, just like us.

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This is a bit tricky for me ... I yell WITH Echo LOL ... we sing, dance, holler, whoop it up ... and yes we are both VERY VERY loud.


I have yelled NOT THERE when she is flying around and want to land on the TV ... and she does listen to that ... does that count?

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Oh yes!! I yell many times when they are doing the forbidden and they know it!! They do listen and usually stop what they are doing. Of course Nilah has picked it up...."NO NO NO NO, STOOPPP IT!!!!


But I do enjoy it when they yell at the dog or each other when the other is doing something wrong.

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Yes, I do yell with them too! LOL Skittles (Sun) is a great little yeller. Peanut just bobs his head along with us.

Glad to hear I am not the only one who has found out that they - like kids - listen a bit better when our voices are raised.

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I use a different tone of voice and may raise my voice a bit with Alfie but I can't recall the last time I had to yell at him. I yell at the cats all the time because they're stubborn and don't listen when they want to cause mischief haha. So Alfie will quite often join in with an "oi!", "No!" or "Off!". Alfie generally reacts pretty well to my "I really mean it!" tone of voice and generally listens... most of the time!

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