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Vincent moved in!


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We have another Chacho on our hands, but this one is in a small package lol. Vincent is a 22 year old goffin and not a Pat fan. Pat lost some flesh trying to make friends with him but by last night Vincent did step up onto Pats arm from my arm. That is a great sign! He was a mess and we couldn't figure out what was all over him, his feathers were a dark gray. Almost like someone read the newspaper, got ink all over their hands and continued to pet him. It doesn't show up very well in the pictures but here he is after a little bath I gave him a few weeks ago when I went to help his babysitter with him, and by little bath I mean I did not know they would spray him when he screamed to get him quiet so instead of helping him I scared him.



Yesterday though, while he was outside I brought out my spray bottle that mists, not sprays, 2 full bottles later and a sore finger on me I had to stop. He loved it and even tried to take his own bath in the water bowl. The black stuff is still on his head and neck but the tail cleaned up a lot. We have come to the conclusion it was candle residue, you can smell it on him still but when he was wet it was pretty strong. Good news is he had a wheeze that after a day of fresh air and a good soaking has all but cleared up. He was on just seed from Walmart. He has taken quickly to fresh foods and pellets. Well what he actually eats I am not sure, most of it he tucks under his wings after rolling it down his back. Mary Ann does that to, weird but cute to watch. It is called something but I can not think of it right now.


He does have a bald chest, shocking that one of our flock has bald spots I know but we will adjust to it, lol hahaha! He is a shoulder rider to and a very good one. He helped me with dinner last night, inspecting my every move. Pat took pictures but they are on his phone so it will take a few days for me to get them. Bongo is not happy about this at all and neither is Chacho because I am theirs and sharing is not something they do to well. Chacho even nipped at me and refused to look at me. I took him outside for some one on one time. He should get how much I love him after that. I was getting attacked by mosquitos and never moved to smash them since he was on me. I came in with no less than 15 bites. He was happy again and that was what mattered! Bongo also got over it.

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Welcome Vincent to our extended family. I think you are very brave to put a brand new bird on your shoulder! He looks like he's smiling, but he does look a little dingy. What kind of numb nut burns candles around birds? Grrrrrrrrr. I'm sure the sight of his bare chest won't offend you for long lol.

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He is but quite cage aggressive. Not use to that and love to kiss yhose toes. Almost lost my nose this morning. To tired for memory to kick in and remind me. Lol he also won't step up now, well not onto an arm. Give him a knee and on it in a second, arm no way now! Not sure what changed.

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Oh my is this bird a mess! Pat decided he needed to face his little terror tonight and I could only watch but he would do the handling. All was going very well too, I was quite impressed. Vincent let Pat bring him into the kitchen and he set him on the stand, that lasted, oh a minute maybe, then we found out just how great a flyer he really is. Around the scarlet he flew, past the grey, over 3 blue and golds, past the military and laded on an empty cage. I went and brought him back into the kitchen. Pat started to feed the dogs and he was "jazzing" up their dinner with some left over pizza and beef stew. Ahhh, Vincent like pizza, Vincent must have pizza so off he went to get what he wanted. He chased the fork around that Pat had and Vincent won. He stood in the plate daring Pat to make a move. It wasn't easy but Pat got the plate, he ran up my arm to my shoulder watching Pats every move behind me. When the plate was empty, he clamed down. He stepped right up for Pat when he asked, this is going great! He was on Pats hand bouncing around as cute as could be and then he just threw himself backwards, he did a flip, okay he got lucky. Bam, another and another, now I am thinking this kids got talent. He and Pat are having so much fun, one more flip, yeah, oh wait, ouch! He removed a very large patch of skin from Pats little finger, ah but they were playing so there is no reaction from Pat. Owww, okay now that one had to hurt, but still no reaction from Pat. I now see drops of blood on the floor as Pat is returning him to the stand, as I turn to get something to wipe the blood I hear my little Vincent screaming and turn to see Pat with his forearm seemingly attached to Vincent's beak now. Calmly my husband removes his arm from the death grip that had him. He walked to the sink and is washing his battle wounds off. He turns to me and says, I know I should try harder with Chacho too, but honey, I wouldn't have any skin left. I laughed so hard I cried, I am still laughing at the thought hours later. Here is the picture of how it all began.


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I really admire yours and Pats ability to take a bite. I have to admit, I'm a wimp. When Dorian bites I can't get him off me fast enough, and he's not usually biting for blood, just the pinching bites that leave a bruise. Glad there was some success before the blood started flowing. Do you think Chaco is a lost cause as far as Pat is concerned? Do you ever give up on handling any of your birds and just let the other have at it?

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I still can't get over seeing a new parrot come right in and be active and involved. When Kopi came into our home, we knew he was sick and he was scared and reclusive. We have worked four years to get Gilgirl away from her cage and look at Vincent just coming right out and enjoying his life with you. He is a cute little thing. Your house is a never ending source of excitement and delight. It looks like a happy place.

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You do such amazing work. I can only imagine how chaotic it all must feel at times!!

Vincent is in good hands and will be allowed to thrive.


I, like Acapella, struggle to just stand there and take a bite. It's as much as I can do to let nothing more than a pained whimper out. I keep as calm as I can, but there's still a reaction of some sort! In fact, Alfie has been known in the past to nip me then say "ouch!" afterwards!

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We don't give up, just change our approach. Right now with Chacho, he still attacks Pat any chance he has so he has to stay in his cage when Pats home or outside in the aviary (which he prefers ) Pat sits by him and talk softly to try and gain the trust. Ixta, she won't have anything to do with me but I continue to try with her. I just do what I do as if she were any other bird but at a distance, lol. Cotay would only step up for me if I had a towel on my arm, otherwise she would bite me, we are now at the point she will step up without and problem onto my arm and now doesn't want to step off. It just takes time with some of them. Bongo wasn't social until lately, for 3 years he was a statue. Gabby use to bite the snot out of me, last month she started letting me put my hand on her back and now I can fully pet her (3 years in the making)

Bongo and Gabby were the only strangers who moved in with us. All the others we have know prior to them moving in and they all knew at least one bird who was already here. 5 we have now all came from the same house, 3 came from one house and Bongo Oliver and Bubba came from the same house. I think because of this the adjustment for them was much easier. It was hard for Bongo though because he was the first so he had to make his own way. I also protected him and let him make all the first moves like letting him decide when he wanted to come out of his cage or when he was ready to step up etc, all the things people tell you to do when first bringing in a bird. The rest we have not done that with. They get a day or less to get use to the new surroundings then it is game on. They don't know what they like or don't like until they try so we expose them to different things and then they lead the way. Sure, Vincent was scared when he first saw all the other birds but then he flew through them and now it is like they are not even there. We compare it to jumping into a pool, you know it is cold and shocking when you first jump in, but then the water feel warm and you never want to come out! If you didn't jump in, you would never know how good it felt!

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Bites are a hazard of taking care of any bird but when you have an entire flock the likelihood increases. Having an ability to remain stoic can be learned but trying to avoid reacting depends on how unexpected the bite is in my case. Here is an upper arm bite from a Molluccan upset over a new person entering his aviary with me. http://s201.photobucket.com/user/Firefly_mom/library/



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It has been a long time since i have been bit like that. New birds i expect it because, like greywings said, you are still learning their quirks. The ones we have had i know when they mean business and can avoid the bites. Like i know not to be holding Chacho when he can see or hear Pat, i would get bit.

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There is a big difference from what murfchck and Pat do with a rescue,compared to what a " new parent" can do. A new baby,or one that is less than two years old, CAN be trained that biting is not acceptable. They just need to understand your " expectations!" I've done it twice, it was alot of work and our entire family had to be on the same page.

My rescue bird.... had to be picked up off his cage, or the floor. I think he only responded because I had pneumonia, and was more comfortable sleeping in family room, so moved his cage there so we could bond while I was ill. Sunny would attack your jugular, if given the opportunity. He recognized that I was ill, and gained his trust quickly. He approached me, landing on my wrist. Taught him he could talk if he wanted too. HELLO.... we worked on it for the week I was ill. He was already bonded to my son Ryan, the moment he met him, but needed to learn to trust the rest of us.Eventually, Sunny learned to trust us all. Missing our Sunny... as he passed on a few months ago. He was old, but died in my arms knowing we all loved him Nancy

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