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Hi, I'm Trevor and I haven't got my Grey yet, picking her up on Saturday! I was going to get one 3 years ago had paid for her n all and changed my mind last minute because I was afraid of the responsibility involved. Since then I have been getting as much info as I can and I now feel I am ready. I have narrowed down two names for her: Trigger or Nidgy, what do you guys think? I don't know much about her yet - hand tamed? etc. Any advice you can give me would be much appreciated...

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Hello Trevor, welcome to the forums!


Have you met your little girl yet? Do you know how old she is? Is she a baby or a rehome?

I'd recommend finding out as much about her as possible- particularly if she's a rehome- before you bring her home.

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I'm getting her from a pet store. I know she will be between 6 and 9 months old depending on which I choose. I am going for a female because I believe they bond better with male owners. They HAVE been hand fed and as far as I am aware she is not a rehome. Is it bad to get a rehome bird?

Edited by Trev13Ire
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Hi Trevor, research is a wonderful thing. Try to find out what your grey's present schedule is now. Greys do love their routine. There is oodles of information here, the Health Room is a must and all the threads in all the Rooms hold stores of things our greys have gone through. Welcome to the Grey Family! Can't wait for more information about your grey, Details please!!!!

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No, it's definitely not bad to adopt a rehomed grey. There are just some additional things to prep for and to keep in mind...greys are so unique tho and they throw curve balls regardless of where they are from and how much you prepare. My biggest piece of advice is patience. After the honeymoon phase is over the real work and real effort of your patience will come into play. As others have said, hit up the health room. There are great resources in there. You will also want to dig in the food threads. Getting off on the right foot with diet is really important instead of trying to implement later on.


Oh, and welcome to the forum! Post pics when you get her!

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I'm getting her from a pet store. I know she will be between 6 and 9 months old depending on which I choose. I am going for a female because I believe they bond better with male owners. They HAVE been hand fed and as far as I am aware she is not a rehome. Is it bad to get a rehome bird?


Nothing wrong with a rehome at all- I was just curious. :) Though getting a baby grey would be a bit different from an older/rehome bird because an older bird would already have a lot of routines and learned behaviours and it may be a little trickier to get them to adapt to a new home/people/routines etc because of that.


There is a whole heap of information available on these forums. I still find out useful information here and I've had Alfie for 12 years!

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I went for a male instead because he bonded better with me. When I got him home I opened the cardboard box and he climbed onto the rim and watched me putting his cage together. He stepped up no problem, let me pet him and put him in cage. Since he's been in cage he won't let me near. He ate some bananana from my hand last night but won't eat anything else and won't eat from my hand anymore. He hasn't eaten much of the food in his cage. Poor thing is really scared. Guess it will take awhile before I can get him to eat from my hand and until then I can't do much...

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Congrats on your new grey. He is gorgeous. Remember, greys/parrots can sense our "vibes". Relax and talk to your grey, tell him what you are doing and no quick grabbing of him. He is scared and does not know that is happening all of a sudden. New surrounds and a new person/creature close to him. It is up to you to make him feel comfortable. So relax and talk. Greys so want to belong but on their terms not yours.

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He is bound to be really scared. That's perfectly normal. He's just been uprooted from everything he knows by a strange person and has been put into a new environment. Give him some time, let him settle in. Let him get used to you and anyone else being in the household. Talk to him as much as possible so he gets used to your voice. Try not to force him to do anything until he's ready to do it. He will soon come round and realise you're not a threat.


Have your thought of any names?

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I got him to eat some banana and then he stepped up for me yay I let him wander around the floor and anytime i asked him to step up he did, and even before I asked... he's getting a lot more comfortable around me thank god. He flaps his wings a lot after I pick him up is that normal? He keeps pecking at things and then ducking his head like something is gonna fall on him haha, so I'm thinking of calling him Woody.

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He might be flapping his wings to regain balance if he feels a little unsteady on his feet? I'm not sure. I wouldn't have thought it was anything to worry about though.


How old is he? Do you know if he can fly?

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It's perfectly normal for him to not want to step up from inside his cage. My advice is not to try. Let his cage be his safe place until he feels comfortable in your home and with you. Sit by his cage and talk to him, eat while you sit next to him. Eating together is a good flock activity so watch for him moving towards his food dish when you eat. Pleeeeese don't worry about getting him to step up. If he is startled off and ends up on the floor pick him up and tell him he's safe and set him back on his cage. I know this goes against what you want, but right now your most important job is to build trust with him and returning him to his cage will do more to make him trust you. Like other members said, talk to him, tell him what's going on and what you're doing. That little grey head is spinning right now and it's your job to help him assess his new home and flock. Congrats on your new flock member!

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Don't read anything bad into his being territorial about his cage. I have the sweetest most loving grey girl in the world (almost 4 yrs old), but she still defends her cage. It is no reflection on you. It is very likely instinctual. Let the cage be his sanctuary.

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Greys defend their cage like it is their castle! Open the door, spend a few minutes reading some childrens rymes ( Sophie LOVES thomas the tank engine cloth books!). Once baby steps up on the door, start working on stepup, step down.I'm a big believer in NEVER put your fingers in their cage. ( of course I can now sixteen years later) Nancy

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Timber doesn't spend a long time playing with a toy either. He will chew it, attack it, or whatever then move on. The only thing he will spend a lot of time on is corrugated cardbord. He likes to make confetti of it and will work on that for quite awhile.

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For new members, please start using the different rooms concerning all the different subjects you wanna discuss.

Toys----Toy and Play stand room

Feeding---Bird food room

Different ways to handle bird such as stepping up, wing clipping, behavior------Training Room ----Etc etc


This room is strictly for introduction and welcoming new members.


Also, I would appreciate other members here to give out the same advice to new members so it doesn't look like I'm the bad guy here. Unfortunately, someone has to do it and it would be appreciated if others also do it. Redirecting a person isn't a difficult thing to do. All of the other rooms are here for specific reasons.



Many members here who have good advice concerning different subjects don't always visit the Intro Room to read about these things so advice isn't given or doesn't get spoken about.

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Sorry Dave... never even thought about it! Wouldn't it be easier for new parents to ask all their questions in the same area? Alot of times, they don't even know what to ask, and just send lots of questions as it occurs to them. Just a thought...I understand why we separate all the areas, but I think its important for newbies, to have the information they need, in one area. Nancy

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