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No Echo for the weekend!

Echo's Mom

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I'm leaving tomorrow (Friday) right after work for a workshop with my dog for the weekend. My parrot sitter, Kat, came to pick Echo up after work today. Echo was a riot!


She saw Kat and yells NO NO NO. I said, Echo, mommy has to go away for the weekend, so you have to stay with Kat. I'll see you Monday after work.


I tried to pick her up off her boing, but she was having none of it. So, I picked up her T-perched (she ALWAYS steps up on to that) and she steps onto it and I hold out my finger and she comes on to my hand. I'm chattering away to her - telling her how much fun she is going to have and then I pop her in the carrier. She hollers out NO NO NO ... I said, Echo, I will see you on Monday after work.


SILENCE for a good 30 seconds. Kat and I are looking at each other, and we are both waiting for it ... we know what's coming ... BYE BYE MOMMY .... hahahahahahahahaha and she cracks up laughing!


I have to say this evening has been VERY quiet without her chattering and whistling away! It's so nice for me to have such an awesome parrot sitter! Such a relief so I can actually go away for a weekend, and not worry! And Kat LOVES Echo ... she says that Echo gets ALL the birds going first thing in the morning!


They are such characters!

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They rub it in THICK! LOL! It will be good for Echo to have some " socializing" time, it is soooo important! Sorry mama.... not as much fun for you! Have fun with your dog as I'm sure your pup will LOVE the one on one time.Its GREAT that you have someone you can trust to take care of your baby. Nancy

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It is such a blessing to have a bird sitter who knows your bird and in whom your bird trusts. My parents serve that purpose now and it is working very well. I have only had to be away a few times, but she enjoys her little vacations with the grandparents. I hope you enjoy your weekend and have a happy reunion with Echo.

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It's Monday afternoon, and while I would usually have Echo right about now, I don't ...


Kat lives in the country (about 45 minutes from me) but works about 10 minutes away from me. She emailed me this morning to say ... OMG i'm so sorry, but when I was putting the parrots in the car, I forgot about Echo.


I'm reading this at work, and I cracked up laughing. And I was wondering, how the heck do you forget about the noisiest parrot you have at the house?


She was in a bit of a panic on getting Echo to me tonight because she lives so far away, and I just emailed her back and said, Relax! Echo can home tomorrow night, not that big of a deal!


And I'll admit, after such an intense weekend with the dog and the workshop, I have lots of laundry and cleaning to do, that Echo would probably have more fun with the birdies than watching me clean!

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Echo came home yesterday around 4:00. I saw Kat pull into the driveway and went outside to meet her. As soon as she got out of the car and Echo saw me she hollered out HI MOMMY.


Brought her into the house and down into her room and as I was trying to open the door she was going nuts on the latches (she CAN open them if she really wants out!) And she's hollering OUT OUT OUT, want OUT ... finally get it open and she hops out and flies up on to her perch.


Kat and I were just chatting and Echo starts flying around the room and singing Echo's Back ... Echo's Back ... it was hilarious! We are both cracking up laughing and she says her boyfriend is thrilled that Echo is back home! She gets all the birds going at 6 am (this is when Kat goes in to wake them all up and feed them) ... they are so loud the her b/f can't sleep through the racket LOL


She's going back in June for another weekend LOL I have another dog workshop to attend!

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