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Perch Ideas For a Young Parrot


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Hi Everyone!


I just signed up today and this is my second question. I have a 7wk old CAG and I'm going to start introducing small perches in his container in the next few weeks. I was thinking of using dowels with two square pieces of wood on each side to keep it stable. I'm only talking like an inch or two off the ground here.


Has anyone had good experience with this kind of setup for a a little guy? Thanks!

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When I bought my grey home he was 11 weeks old. He was fairly stable on a perch but I lined the base of his cage with old towels so that when he did fall/slip he had a soft landing.


I just used the wooden perches that came with the cage. I then added different concrete/sanded perches at a later date when he was more confident about climbing round his cage (and less likely to fall)

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WOW, that seems young to me ... Echo's breeder wouldn't let me bring her home til she was at least 18 weeks.


Anyway, I would put all the perches near the bottom of the cage, and like Neoow mentioned, put lots of towels / blankets at the bottom to cushion her when she falls off her perch (she WILL fall off!) Adult greys have fallen off their perches, so don't panic!

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I think so long as the perch base is heavy enough that it doesn't tip or roll over it sounds good. You do want something just an inch or two off the bottom for a baby that young. Please don't take offence at people noting how young your bird is. A baby that young is a lot of work, as I know you know.

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All_Hail_King_Rufus... First... LOOSE the attitude! Don't snap your fingers at us, and expect answers! If you want it in a " nutshell"... your baby is too young, needs to be weaned. Find a formula that works, as well as introduce pellets with a healthy diet. I will be MORE than happy to help, but you need to learn patience! It may take several months of a " mesh" diet, while introducing pellets. Its GREY time, not yours.Birds wean themselves, and you... just " listen", to their needs. You need to listen Nancy

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