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My first Aviator Harness experience


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I introduced my silver harness to Chappie today. Chappie's first reaction was to chew it and play with it, which was fine.

Then I went to pop it over his head, he bowed his head probably thinking I was going to give him a skritch. So I skritched his neck with the harness and gave him treats then I put it on him and around his wings and everything as he played with it. Everything went perfect, I even took him outside and here are some photos:





Ok all went super except... when we tried to take it off :(

When I was trying to take the harness off him, I loosened it and he kept trying to perch on the loose harness so then he got his foot stuck there and It was abit chaotic he was panicking as I was trying untangling it and he kept wrapping himself in it and he was growling a bit and wanting to bite me. (Never has bitten)

Now I thought great :( How could I have avoided all this.. one he was desensitized to it, two got it on without any troubles and three was fine flying with it on.

And now here I was thinking we have gone backwards, he's going to be traumatized ( I was probably more traumatized than him), he is going to hate me, my hand and the harness.


I tried to quickly get it off now and after it was off I put him in the cage to settle.


About half an hour later.. I got him to step up onto my hand.. it was as if he never even remembered the event. I gave him food and showed him the harness never shyed away or anything, again I put it over his head and he bowed his head down again, so I skritched his neck feathers with the harness and I even put it around his neck and layed it on his back. He seemed to not have remembered the event?


Now we will just have to really work on taking it off...

Feel free to write any comments, suggestions or tips.


Thank you

Edited by Chappie
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That is great. It took a month of me putting it on Bailey's back and head before he let me put it loosely on him. And then, the drama after tightening it. Getting it off was easy. He helped me do that. Good for you that he accepts it so readily. Work on loosening it quick, and you both should be okay.

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Oh Wow.

The experiences are so different..

I put the harness on him again now that was abit of a pain because he kept wanting to play with it and grab it with his feet. However taking it off was now zero hassle as I did it very subtly he didn't even know it come off him.


Im quite quick with the loosening /tightening, the trouble was more that he just wants to play with it so I played with it attempting to loosen the belly strap and if he reacted whether that was to bite it or grab it. I would let go and continue playing with the other parts then went back to it. Slipped it off without him knowing. ?

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Sorry I should have made myself clear about the chewing and playing. I allowed this first day as it was suggested on the dvd it came with. And when I went to loosen the belly strap he played with it so I let go and played with the other parts and had a set of keys infront of him to redirect then I repeated the process. This was when he never noticed it slip off him at all.


But yes Sterling with your comment you're right he has passed that stage with the harness, Ill be more on the ball now you say that :D

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Heres a little update on the progress.


Day 3 of Harness, we had 2 days off from it as I had a busy weekend.

As soon as he thought about playing with it or grabbing it I redirected him asap to his new toy and all went great, then we went straight outside, he wasn't interested in biting it so much as previously or take it off him however just had 1-2 bites at the clip on his chest, so I gave him a blade of grass to play with instead. Although I can't do a whole lot with him outside yet, he will recall on cue a few times and then exercise his wings and come back to me but he is still distracted by the new surroundings.

Taking the harness off him was a bliss as he was good but I happened to be the rusty one taking it off lol, however he tolerated it all very all.

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Awesome stuff! You're doing a great job and it'll be an amazing experience for both of you.


I really wish I'd been able to do with this Alfie. It was my fault entirely, I was 17 when I got him and didn't like being bitten because he was scared of it so I didn't persevere. (He would snatch it and try and throw it away if it went anywhere near him). He's also never liked his back/wings being touched.

Now every time I hear news of people harness training their parrots or see videos of their parrots flying I really regret not trying harder to find a way to convince him that it was a positive thing. I wasn't brave enough at the time to keep at it and wasn't really anywhere I could go to for help or advice.

I think it's a little too late for me to even entertain the idea of getting a harness for him. He's going to be 12 in April.

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Sounds like you are making great progress! I haven't really made an attempt to get a harness on Timber because we have a large hawk population and I couldn't let him fly safely outside (not that he is much of a flier anyway but I'd like to let him try). You are doing great though!

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It's never too late. Just start slow and don't put ant time restrictions on the task. I have started with Miss Dayo and she reacts a lot like your Alfie. Although, There is a certain time in the morning when she comes over to get my attention (Usually as soon as I get engrossed in homework) I then take a break and work with her and the harness for 15 minutes or so. Just laying it on her and giving her scritches and over her head and more scritches... So far so good. Not sure how over the wings will go but eventually we'll get there.

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