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Grey Bird is Here!


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We picked Grey Bird up yesterday afternoon.


We talked and sang to him during the car ride. He was stressed in the beginning, but after he calmed down, he whistled a bit. When we got home, he happily walked into his cage from the travel crate, and as he did this he happily spoke. He seemed very happy to go back in his cage.


Grey Bird is cage bound, but he does not seem to be "aggressive". Even when we reached in to towel him, he didn't try to bite or attack, just run away. He has taken grapes and a nut very gently from my hand. But the best thing, as I was going to give him a grape, he put put his head down and shook it, asking me for scritches!


He seems to be taking things well, but I know it has to be hard for him. He has been with his owner since he was a baby on four hand feedings a day, and he is 20 years old. We are going to take things very slow, at his pace. We will work on coming out of the cage when he is ready.


Right now, I am in my bedroom and I can hear him making cute sounds from the other room!











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Welcome Grey Bird. I love the one little red factor feather at his neck. I know you have other big bird experience so you know this, but that cage is really small. Do you have plans to upgrade it after he settles in a little bit? My Dorian was totally cage bound for his first year+ with me, but at least his cage was a decent size. I know you can't make too many changes too fast.

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He has done very well for his initial transition. I would have expected some hair raising growls and reluctance to eat at first. For him to come from his travel cage to his main cage, to take food from your hand is a really good sign. To top it off by asking you for a scritch is just heartwarming and encouraging. I am so happy for this to be the introduction to your home. When Miss Gilbert came home she looked a lot like he does now, with her little fluffy grey underwear showing some wear. Even if he stays this way forever, he would be adorable. I am looking forward to following your progress. Congrats on the adoption and successful transfer.

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