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Help! Eye injury!


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Sully has somehow injured his eye! He's keeping his left eye shut. He let me open it slightly and it looks like it's either scratched or something is in there. The problem is I can't get him in to see a vet until Monday! My other option if it's something that can't wait until Monday is a world of stress for him! Taking him to the closet emergency vet. He's eating fine, but definitely talking less and not himself. Usually he's a chatter box this time of day but he's been wanting to just snuggle and nap with me. I'm just very worried and wondering if he will be fine until Monday or if you all suggest driving him to the emergency vet. Also, while making phone calls all morning, one vet suggested lukewarm compresses? Anyway, suggestions or thoughts would be awesome!


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I would go with cool compress to get any swelling down. You are running the chance of an infection if there is something in there. If the compress seems to help, you may be able to wait until Monday, but if they don't I would chance the stress and get him into an er vet asap.

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Hi everyone and thank you so much for all your posts! The compress is a definite no-go! lol Never going to happen! But I did use a spray bottle with water. He enjoys being sprayed and going into the shower, and today I was able to get a better look and I thought perhaps something, like a little fuzzy, got stuck in there! He's been eating just fine and taking any treats offered, still talking less compared to his usual chatter box self. Our vet appointment is first thing tomorrow so we'll see.

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So Sully went to the vets. And he did amazing at the appointment. I was so stressed for him but he did surprisingly well. He did let out quite the scream at the beginning but the veterinarian was wonderful and Sully settled in no time. His poor eye has a laceration on the iris. He was given an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever which I started him on today and has a check up next week. The medication thankfully is a honey flavored liquid I can measure out and put onto something enticing. The vet explained that Sully could potentially get Glaucoma or Cataracts from the injury but we will only know in time. Right now he needs time to heal and the medication to kick into action.



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These little feather puffins are such rowdy players. I'm afraid the same thing is going to happen to Greycie. She came in from the aviary yesterday with a nice red slash just millimeters from her eye. Sure hope Sully's eye heals. Looks like the cantalope(?) is helping to pass the time (cute picture!).

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Thanks for posting that photo. Sully is opening his eye fully. I have seen that kind of mark on Gilbert's eye, but much smaller. It makes her pupil look like it has a tiny "tail" resembling a comma. She certainly would not let me get that close to photograph her though. What a relief for Sully to be healing.

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