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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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So sorry about your niece.  I've struggled with bouts of suicidal depression since my teens.  (I'm bi-polar).  As dark as it has gotten, I've always been blessed with 5% of my brain that's been able to reason out what my killing myself would do to my friends and family, but it's been very bad at times. I've been on a med now that has stabilized my mood for the past three years.  You really believe that other people will be better off without you around, that you matter little in other people's lives.  I'm sorry your niece lost this battle.  I hope her family isn't blaming themselves. It's an insidious and evil illness and sometimes, despite everyone's best efforts, it wins.

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14 hours ago, murfchck said:

Steve, come on out here! From a week or two ago!

Those guys look like they need a nice dinner date with me.   However, I'm not sure if you've seen my GreycieMae's Sunroom/Aviary thread...I'm up to my eyeballs in construction.  Actually as of yesterday I'm up to my eyeballs in pink insulation and it itches like crazy!!!    This was supposed to be done around mid-October.  I'm estimating next Christmas now just to be safe.

It's looks like Frita( the Grey?) has you totally whipped.  They have that power you know.  I do whatever is demanded of me.


I swear I've seen that picture of your niece before.  Did you post it here?  I'm wondering if I saw it on the news?   Such a sad sad situation.



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I have been watching your addition of the sunroom, it looks incredible! We won't be doing anything about the pigs until after deer season. The deer seem to know our house is their safe zone and bed here at night. I do not want to disrupt them and drive them away so, you and the pigs can have a date next year!!

I posted that picture on Facebook, you may have seen it there.

Yup, she does have me wrapped around her finger without a doubt! She has been pretty cranky lately, I am chalking it up to hormones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is Ming! Yup, we are officially insane. Lol. Actually, a friend found herself unable to keep Ming due to her health and she is also about to have both hips replaced. Ming is 14 and has been with them her whole life. One of the girls who helps me with my birds asked her mom and dad for one for Christmas. They asked me to help them and 4 days later I picked up Ming. Funny how things meant to be have a way of working out!  


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We have the 2 that are handicapped, one was the metabolic bone disease and both of her feet are wacky, Frito, and then Gabby, one of her legs are bent at the "hip" and the foot is turned inwards. Frito is the only one who has a special cage design, Gabby just has lots of shelves where she can rest (and chew said shelves, lol ). Frito has to have her cage papers changed daily though and she won't let Pat in to it! We raised the bottom to about 2" below the food and water bowls so she could crawl around and play. She loves that but what a mess, she will poop and walk through it or put her beak in it. I can't change her cage each time she poops and the thought of greys being so smart fly's right out the window when I see her do that!

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Ha, Timber is not particular about walking through his poop either!  I don't think greys see it quite like we do... He is in a "hospital" cage now, and I have to keep a towel in the bottom. You can imagine! When I'm not tending to him I'm doing laundry ;)  That's why I said I didn't know how you keep up with all of them.  He takes up so much of my time and there is only one of him!

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The best thing I ever started using is the memory foam rugs (or drying mat) in the bottom of Frito's cage (WalMart in the kitchen/bath area $3.99). I have two at the bottom for a soft landing. I just cover them with newspaper to make cleaning easy and if the poop hits the mat, it just wipes right off. 

I don't know why but Frito and Gabby both are my most aggressive of the greys. Little stinkers for sure!

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That's a good idea!  The only problem I could see in my case is Timber sleeps on the towel.  He doesn't like walking on newspaper so I'm afraid he wouldn't sleep on it.  I've ordered a larger platform type perch for him, and if he starts sleeping on that I'll certainly give it a try.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I need a break so bad, most draining part is acting happy and positive when deep down your just too tired to believe it.

All the birds are great, Bongo goes in for a beak trim this morning. Pat will be taking him for me so I can be at the hospital with my sister in law. My niece, who passed away, her father (my husbands brother) went off the deep end and tried to kill himself as well a few days ago. They were able to revive him and he is in ICU. I am just drained physically and emotionally.

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