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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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  • 3 weeks later...

As much as I love this time of year, the holidays have really slowed the progress down on the new house. For a year this house was in limbo because of the title and survey, the bank who owned it had new ones done before HUD would take it. Now I am told I may have to get a new survey because the one they have shows no dwelling, just land. There are 2 parcels, one is land one is land and dwelling and I am lucky that our realtor has these because that is $4000.00 I won't have to spend. But this is all that is holding up moving on to underwriting. The buyer of our house has already delayed his closing once and it looks like he will have to again. They are saying maybe the 17th. Yeah, just in time for the winder cold to move in!

We went last week and got the birds stands out of storage, we moved them while the showings were happening. I forgot how nice I was able to keep my house when they are not out of their cages. :-) Took less than 5 minutes for it to look like a tornado blew through but they had fun and that is all that matters. We have to be careful though because we repaired all the damaged walls, doors, trim and baseboards. First time out, there was a nice beak imprint in a new door in the macaws room. With the house being sold, we can't afford new damage!!


Bongo goes in today for his beak trim. We are still trying a new vet out and with his thick beak, this will be a good test. I love Dr Moore but he priced himself right out of our reach. 200.00 for 2 beak and nail trims is just not right, I tried to talk to him about it but he didn't care enough to return a call so onward we go. The new one is Dr V, she is not avian but has worked with many zoo's, one in New York, and has a bird of her own. The owner of the clinic is avian certified so I know that he is there if it is anything critical. They both saw Ollie when he was sick but Dr V and Summer, the vet tech, saw him mostly and they actually sent us the sweetest sympathy card that was hand written by them both. They won me over even more.

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$100 for a beak and nail trim? Are macaws that hard to do or is that a severe case of highway robbery? Takes me about 3 minutes per bird except my Jardines simply because I have to add a little time to clean and disinfect wounds (mine not his).


Your situation with this house and property is dragging on but it will all be water under the bridge soon. My wife keeps yapping about Decatur, even last night. I haven't even told her you guys are moving there. That would be awesome if we got located in that area too. Birds of a feather flocking together!



Somebirdy is just exhausted thinking about all that...



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Who knows, maybe he was trying to get rid of me, or maybe his liar of a office manager never gave him my messages. Either way what's done is done. Bongo didn't get to go get his beak done yesterday. Right before his appointment it started sleeting which isn't really a big deal but why drag him out in the cold, stress him out and then back into the cold when we can just wait a few days and it will be back in the 70's. I wanted to be sure that Summer, the vet tech, would be there with Dr V and she told Pat that she will stay late to be there for us. Summer is the one who took in Lily, or Lucifer as "he" has been dubbed. lol.


Jill, have you gotten your check yet? Tina said it came back to her and she would try again, let me know if you don't get it please. I am still waiting on my picture! So excited and I get so proud when I see posts from Tina's business page on facebook, the picture is still her profile picture. For those who don't know, Of Feathers and Fur had a contest for bird pictures and Koko and Gus won so she did an oil painting of the picture to be auctioned off and I would get a print of the oil. I contacted Koko's mom and told her about it and she jumped right in on the bidding and won highest bid! She gets the original oil painting, plus the money she bid was split and I got to choose a sanctuary and Koko's mom got to choose one and the money is sent to them. I picked Jill's sanctuary naturally since that is where Koko came from!


Alright, enough of me yacking, it is 15 degrees outside so I need to be packing up boxes I guess. I am procrastination at its finest! I think I learned that from the greys.

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I bought their calendar yesterday just as a keepsake, lol. I think they are Decembers picture. She actually sold out twice and thought after January no one would be buying them but boy was she wrong, she had to order more so it is about 3 weeks out before she will have them to ship out.


They found a title issue with the new house, it is still in the banks name and not in HUD's. They have been trying since last week to get this changed but no one seems to understand what is going on. This is driving me nuts and I will be happy if I make it through this with all my hair still on my head.

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The hardest part for the birds has been that they can not come out of their cages like they use to. We just can not afford to replace everything again. We did try to let them out and found a nice beak print chunk in a brand new interior door. The macaws are mad and show their anger by throwing the food bowls and doors off the cage and on to the floor. Bubba has been really good though, I think he is just still stunned that there is no Oliver beside him, he acts confused and that, we totally understand. hardest part for them will be when it is moving day for them. We are trying to figure out the best way to handle it. Since it is a mobile home verses a brick and mortar, door sizes are not the same so some of our cages that do not break down may not fit through. Plus, we will have to move a few at a time because we will have to set up their cages so they have a place to be when we go get a few more birds and do the same thing. Logistically not sure how we will pull this off. Looks like we will be closing in just a few weeks so we have to think fast. lol


So we took Bongo to the new vet for his beak trim, she did such a fantastic job, I have never seen it look more normal. I think she was proud too because the before and after will be on their website! It may have been a fluke but who cares! Next on the docket is Bubba and Chacho. We warned her about Chach and his dislike of everyone but she said she lives with a bare eyed cockatoo and has all her life so if we can get him in the crate, she can handle him, haha - we'll see. Pat was up front with her and said that this is one bird he is afraid of, he is strong and quick.


We are going to go and visit our friend today who is in the assisted living home. He is the one who's birds we took in. Since we will be making the move soon and our time will be filled with packing, we wanted to be sure we went by. He is so excited and so are we. I am going to stop and print some pictures for him of his birds, I found a great picture frame that he can use, it is like a Ferris wheel so he just has to spin it around to see the different pictures. (he has limited use of his hands)

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Do you ever take your guys out for a ride? I mean I get they're so big & there's so many & they do have the whole outdoor set up & everything. But I was just thinking that you'll probably be making many trips to the new place. And if they could go w/you a few at a time, it might help them transition, some.


As far as moving the whole circus, if it was mine (& I find even as I say it that I'm kinda glad it's not in this particular instance lol), the first day you sleep there, I'd take them all over in their travel cages & leave them in them for a couple of days. Because that's what travel cages do; visit new places even if in this case it's one room to the next. By the time all the big cages are brought over & set up, everyone has had time to acclimate to the new sights, sounds & scents, generally. And you had the leisure to really set it all up as best as you think, for now. Of course it's always going to be a work in progress, but whatever seems best for the time being.


Or maybe you could contact someone in Ringling Bros logistics dept & let them give you a few pointers. ") Boy, the more I think about it, the more I do not envy you. Sincerely - good luck with this.

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My carriers are not the right size for overnights, they are just right for to the vet and back. Seventeen carriers are not easy to store, lol. I do however have to get each one out and get them cleaned up. Darn it, there goes a weekend of packing out the window.


So I was a little bored today at work and went back to the start of this thread. WOW, how things have changed, hahaha! Reading how each bird was introduced since #9 is really quite shocking that we all made it through alive. Now look where we are today. How time changes things and what good times we all still have ahead of us. Dreams do happen, they just may not happen on the time line we think they should progress in. :-)


I had wrote the above a few days ago but had issues posting it at work, I kept getting logged off so I gave up. I looked today and it had auto saved, lol.


Looks like we will be closing next week, Friday. I got home yesterday and saw my husband had started on the flights. He removed all the swings, perches, bridges and stands. Wow, months of work hanging the toys and all in just the right place reduced to what looks like the beginning of a great stack of winter firewood and 4 boxes. Heartbreaking and exciting at the same time. And scary, don't forget scary. Today we will be removing the wire and breaking it down. I think the buyer is going to be shocked at just how big the backyard is. The survey was done this last Tuesday, red flags sticking out of the ground showing the actual property line. Whoops, how did our next door neighbor get about a foot of our yard? There is a concrete retaining wall there now so... Not to sure about the backyard, Horse dog, aka Athena, thought the flags were tooooo pretty and she wanted them, so she promptly removed them. Walked out the back door to find them on the door mat, I told Pat that it sure looks like our property shrunk.

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Took so long to build and just 2 half days to take down. I get so sad walking out back now. I know it is for the better but I just can believe we are actually doing it. It sounds weird coming from me but I am not good with change. I know every inch of my house and all the little quirks but now I am moving into a total surprise. Not just a different house but a HUD house that has been empty, in the woods, for over 3 years. To say I am in full blown panic mode would be an understatement.

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