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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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Well he is still with us but now has us thinking we need to take him in. I don't know what we are going to do. Pat gave him a great bath today and spent the day outside taking in some vitamins. Just feel pretty lost not knowing what to do. :-( life hasn't been the same with this going on, it is much harder than i expected.

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I am sorry Sterling.

To stop myself from checking on Cocaba every 5 minutes and touching him to make sure he is alive, I decided to make a stone wall in the aviary with each birds name engraved on it with either their birthdate or year they moved in with us. It started as I was going to make a headstone for Cocaba but that just sounded morbid and he will be cremated so the wall came to mind. I started with Ixta to practice since she has the fewest letters in her name. It was okay but I freehanded it and want them all to look the same so found stencils and will start again with the names on Friday. In the meantime I did this one for the center of the wall. I still have to paint it but back to a work week again and of course I have no paints at home so that will have to wait also.


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Thank you. No improvement. He is just surviving on pistachios. Have to bath him all the time now because his poop sticks to his tail area. And alsi he is on paper now instead of his normal wood shavings. We did have to trim his beak again poor guy. It was hard enough for him not to be able to see his nuts let alone not be able to eat them.

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Cocabas heart is strong. Despite his slow movements and lack of eating good healthy food, he is still with us. Those pistachios must carry a good punch. I however am going broke keeping up with that supply. There are only 3 birds who eat them, Cocaba, Ixta and Koko but they run out before the walnuts do that 17 birds eat! I would take out a loan if I had to though for my boy to always have them! His eye seems a bit better, did a few Vetricyn sprays, not sure why we didn't think about that sooner, we were using saline drops, doh! I don't know if I had mentioned it, we think he waddled into a branch. Everyone else is hanging tough also, Kane is growing up soo fast and she is getting set in her ways already. Still loves to lay on her back by hanging by a toe and resting on her large perch. When she is upright, she has her head inside the coconut toy. Bongo, my statue that isn't anymore, has finally claimed his area of the countertop. Too bad it is where the coffee pot and rice cooker are. He can take apart the coffee maker in seconds and toss things one by one to the floor. The spoon to stir the coffee must be the devil stick to him, he beats the crap out of it before it gets thrown.

I am off work today and have a mound of things to get done including cleaning 19 cages, mopping the floors and laundry. Oh and that oil change that has been flashing on the dash of my car for a month. To avoid one more discussion from the husband, I will be taking that in today as well. In my defense, the dash flashing just said "change oil soon" it did not say "change oil now dummy"!!! My "soon" and his "soon" do not hold the same definition!

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If it makes you feel any better, mine is the same story only the brake light was going on. Only when I used the brakes, though! I don't really know how long before it stayed on because I wasn't paying enough attention. My bad! Turned out I had 2 broken brake lines & it was peeing fluid every time I hit the pedal.


Funny, it's so hard to listen to those bright red car lights. But a fid barely bats an eyelash & we come running? hmmm wonder if that says something

Edited by birdhouse
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Just joined the forum this week, Lisa, but rather than posting, I got caught up in this thread and was determined to finish it, or at least "catch up".


You aren't just a hero to those feathered souls, you are a hero to me.

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