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Murphy Flock, 9 and counting.


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What a whirlwind it has been. We finally found our house in the country with lots of land for all the flock to scream, romp and play. Got moving on trying to get it. Found out it is bank owned and unless you have cash, no go. Found a few investors who said heck yeah, great deal will help then had the rug pulled out from under our feet when they backed out at the last minute. During this time, a person offered us another house that would fit us all but it needed a lot of work and it is within the city and has a 5 bird max. We were willing to take our chance and had a back up plan in case the city was called. We started work on the house so we could move in and then put ours on the market. Put in a new double garage door, repaired holes in the ceiling, took over 40 bags of trash to the curb that was just from the garage and master bedroom. Got it looking decent. When the time came for us to do the paperwork, the tune changed and the price doubled putting it out of our reach. We believe in making our own way but good gosh, one break is all we need...


The flock is doing great, Kane is still my Kaniack. Still wearing her coconut hats and killing the blinds and curtains. Bongo has done a complete change from when he first moved in and now is on the top of the list of trouble makers! He has now made is own designs in the walls and has discovered the buttons on the coffee maker and is determined to remove them. Also has found that pushing things off the counter is tons of fun. From a spoon to lids and yes, that bottle of red wine in the pretty display holder. What a mess he has become. He also enjoys chasing our little dog out of the kitchen should she even think of entering.


Macaws are doing great also. Oliver is fighting sinus again, had them flushed and we were supposed to put drops in 2 times a day. Has anyone who works full time, both parties having different schedules ever been able to figure out how to make this possible? The evening drops were all we were able to pull off, poor guy. We stink as nurses.


Cockatoos doing good also. Lily is in full blown horny season, scared to pet her anywhere! lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Took Kane into the vet this week. I hated to do this but had to for her safety. She got her wing clipped to match as closely as possible to her missing wing for her balance. She took a flight that popped her keel open a little and I couldn't chance her doing it again. She is adjusting but I don't think I am.

Cocaba, the elder red front, has lost sight in one eye and his hearing is all but gone. We have to take him to the vet for his beak which is splitting down on his lower breaking off and is now just a thin piece down the center, sides have fallen off. Afraid he won't do well with the stress of it but don't know what else to do to help him.

Oliver is still fighting his sniffles, had to go in and get flushed again this week, still trying to do the drops in his nose 2 x's a day too.

Boy when it rains, it pours.

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Spring has sprung. The outdoor flights have been uncovered and the larger ones that were up on the top deck are now moved closer to the others so we can build a few more fights and have everyone in a safe enclosed area! Going to take a while to do, yesterday we got sunburned working out there in a fury so they could be outside today and this morning I woke up to a huge temperature drop and high winds. You just never know in Texas. Last storm took shingles off our roof and half our gazebo was blowing in our neighbors yard and they are saying 60mph winds today. At least everything that could be damaged by winds has already been damaged so I don't have to stress over that! lol I guess today we work on the inside cages.

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Because of the last storm, I think the weather people panicked. Turned out to be just a nice spring storm that lasted maybe 20 minutes tops. lol


I love spring time and so do the fiddos!

Have 5 more flights under construction that will join the existing ones, can not wait!



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We are actually having spring for a change. While you guys have had such amazingly awful weather (sincere condolences btw) we've had such beautiful days for this time of the year around here. But it's killing me that it has been just barely too cold to let the fids out. Especially a semi-naked ekkie. I can't wait til it's finally their turn.


So do you have the like most understanding neighborhood in the whole world? Or, is the flock much, much quieter than I'd ever have guessed when they're outside & all together like that?


Also couldn't help thinking how different your yard looks now vs before the flock. Wow!

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Well behind us is park area at an apartment, on the side is a Japanese woman who says she loves it when they are out and it reminds her of being at a zoo. The neighbor on the other side gets a little annoyed when the Too's are screaming but will just come over and say, "I hear your birds are outside" which is my cue to bring them inside, or at least the one that is screaming (Lilly). Amazingly the macaws and greys are very quiet when outside. You will hear the occasional scream and the repetitive hello from them but that is it. I try to explain to people when they come over that their arrival gets them excited and the dogs are barking so the birds are screaming but when it is just a normal evening they are really quiet and play very nicely. One neighbor came over with her new puppy, she just walked in so the dogs didn't even know she was there so they didn't bark which didn't set off the bird alarms, after about 10 minutes she looked around and was amazed at how calm the house was and said she finally gets what we had been telling her which was just walk in, don't ring the doorbell or knock!! I am hoping this year since the Toos are going to 100% safe to get outside, that over time they will stop the constant screaming and get use to it and quieter. Not going to hold my breath on that one though, they are Too's after all.

Yeah, our yard has taken on many changes since the flocks growth but since we didn't use the pool in two years, that didn't bother me at all to see go away. All the tadpole deaths did hurt my heart a bit when the dirt came in. However, somehow a frog made it inside the house and we guess spent the day torturing Bubba by playing in his tray of his cage. I took the guys out when I got home from work and Bubba ran out the minute I opened the door to his cage. Several hours later when it was time for them to go back to their cage, he wouldn't go in and just kept looking down in the tray. Pat finally saw the guy and got him out. Once out, Bubba went in his cage. So we know atleast one tadpole made it! Well darn, my photos won't open to share the picture of Bully the frog. I will post it once Google photos is working again!


Got it! Here is Bully the frog!


Edited by murfchck
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My little boy is off to the vet this morning. Found this on him this weekend, it is right over his tail feathers. Thought it could be an obstructed oil gland, I called Dr 1st thing yesterday and sent him this picture because his first available is next Wednesday, not tomorrow but the next, and wasn't sure if this was something that could wait. They called me last night and said that his first thought was oil gland also but that it just looked weird, could be the picture, but he didn't want to take any chances and I should get him in first thing in the morning. I was also told to be prepared that he may have to stay over night. They know I don't do well leaving my fiddos overnight.


Cocaba is winding down also. He can't perch on top of his house anymore, sticks to the bottom area of his playpen and we set perches inside it for him, he uses them but not any of the upper ones, he has fallen off last 2 times went up top. I guess at 65+years old, he is allowed to feel his age. Pretty sure he is also almost totally blind now too.

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It's been a while since I could catch up on the forum. You have an amazing gift for taking care of your flock. I still have a lot of reading to do and just wanted you to know I've missed you and am sendings a virtual hug to you and yours. :-)

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Dr called tonight. It is an oil gland he will be getting it lanced. Poor guy. I felt SO stupid though, i am so worried about him feeling like i just left him that i am softly crying telling the dr to please tell him "good night big man" wait for him to say it back and then say "good night, good night, good night, mama loves you". Yeah, like hebis going to say that! Lol.

Thank you all for the well wishes, this week i have needed that extra support. No matter how hard someone tries to do their best, there is always that nagging feeling in the back of their mind that keeps poking at you making you question yourself.


On the bright side, Koko and Gus won a photo contest from an amazing artist who will be doing an oil of them for auction. The proceeds from this get to be divided between me and the person who purchases the oil and donated to the sanctuaries of our choice! Greywings, i will be needing yout sanctuaries info, my part will be going to you guys! Only seemed fitting and right since that is were Koko came to us from! The artist is pretty backed up with orders and just now getting November and December's ordets out and commisioned to do a large mural so i don't exactly know when but it will happen. There will also be a calander and mugs and stuff, lol. My babies will be famous! Lol

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Aaawww! Don't feel silly because you are very far from the only one who's like that. We tell the fids we're leaving the room to go make supper. But we have no way to tell them we're leaving them in that scary place & why. It tears me up every time. So glad that wasn't anything more serious though!


And big congrats on the portrait!! Too bad we mere humans can't recognize bird faces so we'd be able to tell it was them if we ever saw a copy. But I hope you'll post a pic whenever he gets it painted.

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So I picked big man up yesterday and took him to pick out a new toy for being so good, lol. Went to the feed store to get pellet and after we shopped I set him on the counter to pay (he was in his carrier). A young guy who works there walked up and said hello to Vincent, Vinnie said hello back clear as a bell, then started just rambling on in his muffled talk. The guy, lol. , natural instinct, tried to put his fingers in to pet him. I stopped him short of a finger wound. Vincent is a tease, he will lure you in with his cute face and then strike at you so quickly you are in his grasp before you know it. I will say he is a different bird since getting home. Not screaming every time I walk in the room, Pat said to give it a few days

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Glad to hear Vincent is feeling better and back to his boisterous self. Right when we wish they would be quiet for a spell, we realize we wouldn't trade the noise for an uncomfortable flock member. "Dear Pat... you were absolutely right".... music to his ears. LOL

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Shhh, I am not telling him he is right. That would go straight to his head and then he would think he is right about everything, and that just isn't true! lol.

Spent the day yesterday building the new flights and enclosure, well in between the rain. When there is a 20% chance of rain and I want rain there is a 100% chance we won't get it. Yesterday there was a 20% chance of rain, we felt safe it wouldn't and it rained on and off all day and got cold then hot then cold. Started in a tshirt, then to a sweat shirt then for a few minutes Pat was sweating and took his shirt off then right back to the sweat shirt. Every time he brought out his saw though the rain would start, gave up and did what we could with a cordless drill, few hours later Pat brought his saw out and before we could plug it in downpour came. 20% chance again today. Oh joy!

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Arrgggg, Texas weather. Rain, rain, rain until Thursday and Friday then rain, rain, rain again over the weekend.

Here is what we were able to get done last weekend. There is a walkway down the middle of the new additions so in total there are 15 flights now including the area that is already roofed and done. There will be 3 doors out to the yard. We have the wire on their roofs and some in the walk areas now which came from our friend. Still have enough to finish the roof and toe separators with her wire and I already ordered, purchased and have here waiting the wall wire!


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