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african grey not talking yet


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:unsure: my african grey zak is my baby he is 6months old and he is very vocal but doesnt say anything other than gobbeldy gook is it normal at this age that hes only vocalising and not saying anything we can understand? whilst i am aware that some greys dont talk at all it sounds like he is trying sometimes when he thinks your not listening he says hello but thats as far as he has got WILL HIS VOICE EVER COME THROUGH PROPERLY!has anyone had this with their parrots i went to the pet shop and 1 of theirs was talking at 15 weeks is my parrot not happy enough with me !


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African Greys start talking around a year old give or take. My CAG is 7 months and can't say any clear words but has a large vocabulary of noises, and he is about as happy as any grey can get. He has the dog barks down to a T now. There are greys that start talking as babies but that is not the norm. At 6 months he should not be expected to talk yet, so just give him time. You might have a closet talker that will only talk when he is by himself...there are a few people on this site with greys that are like that. Talking isn't a sign of happiness, it's just the birds preference if they do or not...so I hope you did not buy a grey just for it's potential talking abilities.

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Don't worry. He's right on track. We have to remember that unlike other animals Greys have a longer lifespan, which means they develop at a slower pace than other animals. Think of it on human terms, a baby human will start saying their first intelligible words around 1 year or so, so it makes sense that a Grey with a similar life span would too. Don't worry, just keep talking to him, the noises are him practicing his vocal chords.

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yeah thanx for all your feed backs they are all what i thought anyway just when you hear some talking the way they do at 15 weeks old i just thought mine was never going to do it and no bmustee i didnt just get a parrot so i can hear him talk iv got 4 kids for that and a partner that doesnt shut up i just thought he wasnt happy as he doesnt say anything ireally didnt no how old they were when they talked thats all but thanx for your coment anyway

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hi kelly and welcome

my CAG is a year old and doesnt talk yet.he wolf whistles and clucks like a chicken,which is my fault as i cant whistle lol.

he does try and say words but we cant quite work out what hes saying lol.

so dont worry,he will later.



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I've got a 3 year old CAG and she can only say about 10 words clearly, everything else is just mixed up jargon. So don't get your heart on this bird having a phenomenal vocab just because you sit and repeat phrases to her all the time. Just love your bird as a companion, and if it talks, consider it an added bonus!

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yeah we got the tutting and the clicking he even mimics my laugh sometimes the dog barking and every now and then he says hello but hes really croaky and you have to listen carefully for it lol i think he's going to be a closet talker lol

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Hi Kelly,


My Grey is 6 months old also and does not mimic sounds yet, so yours is ahead of the game compared to some of ours.


With 4 children, maybe you could teach your Grey to tell some of the nursery rhymes and sing kids songs to them like row row your boat, jimmy crack corn etc and take some of the stress off of you :-)


Oh and Welcome to the Forum!! :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/11/05 21:22

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cheers for the welcome and helloo to you too i love my parrot to bits and my kids did love him too but he had other ideas he hates my kids and hisses at them and fluffs right up when they approach him he has turned to biting them because it makes them scream then while they are uncontrollably crying he's mimicing there screams and having a laugh lol

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  • 4 months later...

I wish my African Grey would repeat the same word 12x like my partner does his stories. LOL! Then I'd have it made as far as her not talking. I wouldn't have to look at him like it's the first time and act interested as if I never heard the story (zzzzz) before. Don't want to hurt his feelings though. You'd think he invented Wonder Bread with the level of excitement on the 12th time around!!! LOL!!! Thanks for your funny comments!!! Made my night. :lol:

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My grey talk up a storm, the problem is knowone can heard him, he only whisper! Don't know why? just does. Heard him said a few thing that were pretty funny, but other than that my house is too loud to heard him. But he does a firetruck horn and a baby cry really good. So good infact that the frist time he mimicked the baby I chouldn't understand how the baby was crying sleeping in my arm, I totally forgot about the grey. :)

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Alcazar will be 10 months March 20th,He says hello when hes in a happy mood. He whines like the dog and the daycare baby. He screams like a daycare kid.He has the door knock down pat.He does a monkey sound, he has my garggle to a T...lol, he does sexy whislte, the come here whistle when we call the dogs.Hes starting parts of the Andy Griffith and most of this done like last month. Soooo just wait, He'll get there. ;)

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Hi Kelly I agree with some of the other members. SweetHeart is 10 months old today and I can hear her say almost everything I say to her under her breath lol. But she just started this about 3 weeks ago give or take. When we first got her at 6 months she wasn't even really doing any sounds either. But now about 4 or 5 times a day for about 45 minutes a piece she is slowly doing more and more! I heard her do her Wooo Wheee! Yesterday. And my phone voice "Hello". So the fun is just starting for us! Hang in there, not all do talk, but if she is doing the muttering that is exactly what Sweetheart does! So watch out in a few months lol. There are some that say their parrots talk at an early age, just like some mothers like to brag that some of their kids walk or talk at an early age lol. Just ignore what everyone else's kid is doing and enjoy yours! lol Zak will come around sooner than you think, I thought the same thing and now she is getting there!!!

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  • 11 months later...

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