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Who would have thought that I had a great voice! :-)


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For the past several weeks I've been dealing with a bratty little Maalik. I've tried redirecting him, perching him, and laddering him, but nothing's worked, at least, for very long.


Today, as he began his slow upside down turn while hanging onto my shirt to take a pinch of my inner arm, I decided to make up a pretty, but somewhat haunting melody. As I kept on singing, all 8 of my fids stopped chattering to listen. Maalik looked at me, and then slowly moved himself up onto my shoulder. There he sat with his body pressed against my neck. As I continued on with my song, Maalik began licking my face, my fingers, and then turning his head upside down into the palm of my hand for scritches.


It's been such a long time since I've been able to connect with him in this way. We had 'a moment', and it was beautiful! Hopefully I've stumbled onto a way that will always work to help calm and relax him from here on out.

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I absolutely think singing is an amazing way to connect with our greys. When I was visiting Gracie at the breeders when she was a baby-before I brought her home, she often seemed disinterested in me and distracted by things around her. One day I asked her to step up and started to sing to her. She was transfixed. The melody--even my bad melody---amazed her. She sat with me for 30 minutes as I gave her my rendition of numerous old songs. It was a bonding moment that I will never forget. Greys are not known for their singing--usually we see Amazons belting out opera, but over the three years I have had Gracie--singing is one of our favorite past times together. Keep belting out those tunes. I truly believe they touch the soul of greys. Gracie and I even make up songs together. She just does a mash up of various words she knows in strange melodies, but it IS MUSIC--to my ears and hers.

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Great thinking! I have made lots of progress with Peck, singing him a lullaby each night. I sing him "Teddy Bears Picnic" and he sings along in a soft little voice. I think they really respond to music. After all, they communicate a lot in song themselves.

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"Teddy Bears' Picnic" --I have to start singing that! What a perfect song! When I was a kid that song mesmerized me--it almost seemed scary--lol. I have no doubt Gracie will love it.


Here is a version that Megan just LOVES from YouTube:


Peck prefers mama singing it very softly but both will start head bobbing to this version.

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I'm going to start singing this song to Gracie--but I'll never admit it to anyone! I'm 6ft4 and 210 lbs--not a manly anthem by any means. Thanks for sharing Ann Murray--what a sweet voice.


She does have a nice voice but what Megan seems to like is the marching-type music in between the vocals. Really gets her going, lol.

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Dorian has always responded when I sit down at the keyboard to sing. Sometimes it's to drown me out with his own noise, but he definitely responds. He also loves it when I'm playing music in the house. Sometimes, as a contact call, he'll sing a note or two in my "opera" voice and I respond with a different note. This goes on until he's bored with it. I think it's awesome that your singing calmed Maalik and snapped him out of brat mode. :)

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Love this thread. Music is so powerful for many creatures, and certainly our feathered companions. HRH Inara's favorite song is "Walk Like an Egyptian," by the Bangles. She sings the "Wallllk" part and still sings it whenever I or anyone else is walking around. Sometimes she sings it to herself as she does this head bobbing walk along her perch. :) She also loves "Harvest Moon," by Neil Young, and any Bob Seeger.


It is especially wonderful that Maalik responded so sweetly to your singing. Melts my heart!

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Greycie and Toby go nutters for this song. Now before you kill it before it gets going, you have to listen to at least 0:20. There's a reason it's called 'Bird Machine'. Also again at 1:40. Greycie has nearly got these down:




When I'm on the trainer Greycie really loves the 80's hairbands music I play. I'm raising her all wrong just like I did my human daughter (who thinks she was born in the 80's).

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This was thought provoking and worth a try. I got an error on the teddy bear song. Then played the butterfly song and Miss Gilbert ran towards it and watched intently. She looked at the top and bottom of the iPad and was trying to find my finger for nefarious purposes. When I played the Dj Snake-Bird Machine, she was terrified and shaking. When I sang Joe Scruggs songs I remembered from when my kids were little, she bowed her head and cooed for head rubs. You all are on to something. Acappella, I remember with great gratitude being soothed by your singing "just breathe" and singing may be just what Miss Gilbert needs.

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This is the type of music my fids love.
When I was singing to Maalik, it was along these lines. Of course I don't sound anything like the Libera boys's choir!

I liked it, I thought it was very pretty. Played it for my fids and they were saying "Meh" I guess my guys are wild party animals.

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Greycie and Toby go nutters for this song. Now before you kill it before it gets going, you have to listen to at least 0:20. There's a reason it's called 'Bird Machine'. Also again at 1:40. Greycie has nearly got these down:




When I'm on the trainer Greycie really loves the 80's hairbands music I play. I'm raising her all wrong just like I did my human daughter (who thinks she was born in the 80's).


My goffins too loves that song

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