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Please help my Zoe... she ate 1/4 of an avocado last night


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Please don't say hurtful things, because I now know the error that my wife and I made. Zoe, my 6 month old african grey female was given avocado at dinner with both of us. I was not aware that this was toxic to birds, and today she is acting like she can't breathe and she won't move. I googled it and found out that I poisoned my bird. She is swaying back and forth and the local avian veterinarian only comes in the office on Tuesdays. I've called the avian vet hospital and they said they will have the doctor call me when he can. I have not heard from him in the past hour. I don't know what to do to treat her, so I gave her some of the formula I hand-fed her as an infant, but she was reluctant to eat. I poured her fresh water and her favorite food - pellets and sunflower seeds. She won't even touch it. Please help... I don't want my baby to die.


I know you haven't heard from me in months, but we've just been living our lives and she has been wonderful and such a blessing. I don't know what to do.



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I would keep calling the avian vet. I would see if there is some emergency vet services you can use. Don't wait...be proactive. See if there is a pet poison hotline in your area. Call and keep calling until u get action. I am praying for you.

Edited by JeffNOK
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Disregard... she passed away about twenty minutes after I made my post. I probably won't reply to any other comments... I'm in tears and I don't know what to do with myself right now. I took her to the store that sold her to me as she was dying, but she didn't live to see where she was raised. They were all very involved in Zoe's early life and they loved her and me dearly. Thanks for trying to help.

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I know that greyforums.net has extensive info about home hazards including food poisons, but sometimes new members may not find that info in time. There is so much to read and sift through. Because of this tragedy, every time a new member joins and we welcome them in the introductions room, I am committing myself to intentionally direct them to those links and make specific mention of avocados and Teflon. Breeders and pet stores may fail to provide this information, but a simple mention when new members join (especially new grey parronts) may save a life.

Edited by JeffNOK
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I am so very sorry for your loss. As I started to read the thread, I had no experience with the avocado but wanted to offer my support in your time of crisis. I have experienced the loss of my six month old cherished baby grey. It's devastating. My heart is with you and your wife. No harsh thoughts toward you at all. You are suffering. You lost the joy and light of your life and have my condolences and full support.

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Thank you all for your very kind words.... if you don't mind i would like to share my photos of her short life with my family with all of you... since you are the only people that I think would honor her and how much love we gave her... if only one of you would tell me how to post photos... I would like this as a memorial for my baby "Zoe Bird"

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This is very sad. I'm so sorry!


I think all the members share your pain & would really like to share as many of the good times as you'd want to post.


To add pics click on the icon that's 3rd from the end on the upper right of the box that you type responses into. It looks like this Capture1.JPG


It will bring up a dialogue box that looks like this Capture2.JPG


Pick add from computer OR from URL, then browse to file location. Click on it then hit upload file.

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MG952014051195203926 (1).jpg



The first photo is my wife, my daughter and me. The second photo is Zoe laying on my chest waiting for a head scratch. The third is my wife and Zoe and I going on a road trip. Fourth photo is Zoe enjoying breakfast... once a week I treated her to raw oatmeal with lukewarm water... she loved it. The last photo is her when she was just a wee baby grey. I hand fed her and raised her since she was just a few weeks old. I had some more photos to upload, but it said they are too large.





Edited by Zelph
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3rd try.jpg


These are Zoe on my arm and Zoe eating Oatmeal again. I miss my baby.


Here are a couple videos I uploaded to YouTube.






The first is Zoe and my daughter watching TV and eating oatmeal. The second is when Zoe bird was just a baby, my daughter was making a dress for her. Kids are too cute. I still haven't told my daughter of Zoe's passing, and I'm not really sure how to.

2nd try.jpg

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I never knew until I got my Timber how very attached you become to them. It almost defies logic, but as someone said earlier, I think only other grey parronts can understand how hard it is to suffer such a loss. I'm so glad you have these wonderful pics and videos to remember Zoe by. God bless!

  • Haha 1
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