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Baby grey behavior


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Hey guys, I have a question. When I approach my little girl a lot of times she will make some squeaks and a little noise that is hard to describe but it makes me think that she wants something. She also will rub her beak back and forth on the perch while making these noises. Kind of like my other guys do when they are wiping something off.. What does this mean. I feel like she is telling me she wants something but am not sure. She comes up to me while doing this. Do you know what this means?

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Thanks Nancy, The breeder did send formula to give her just in case she wants it, and she does. I give it to her at night before lights out. I am a little worried about giving it to her too many times a day as I don't want her to regress. Would it be ok to give it to her more times in a day if she wants it?

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I've never been in charge of a baby but from my reading here on the forum I don't think it's unusual for them to regress a little bit when they're first in their new home. They've gone from a flock situation with brothers and sisters to cuddle with to a brand new cage, home, and flock. My instinct would be to give her the formula if she wants it, but to keep presenting her with lots of other tasty options, and as much out of cage cuddle time as she wants. Does she want/like cuddles?

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The first couple of days she would sit on me but didn't want me to touch her. Now she begs for scratches and pets, so she's decided that I'm ok. She does eat plenty of her pellets and I've been giving her new stuff. Greens, carrots, apple, and sweet potato. So far she has liked everything I've given her except a noodle that I offered her. She just looked at me like I was crazy for suggesting it. Oh, and she wasn't too crazy about watermelon either. She mostly begs for the formula when she hears me clanking around in the kitchen and the water is running. She must associate that with her food.

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Many Greys like to receive comfort formula feedings after they've 'officially' weaned. My guy continued wanting them for about a month after I'd gotten him, after which time he weaned himself off. The practice is called abundance feeding. At first it was twice a day, but then we reduced that to once in the evening until he was done. Giving it more often than that and your baby could regress.

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I agree, it could be that she wants more handfeeding and, also, that she wants more time with you. I gave my Grey both morning and evening feedings well into his 4th month. The morning one was rather small as I remember though. They do rub their beaks on you to show their love.

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My best eater, my Amazon Kiki, took nine months to wean off of two additional feedings. She was an eating machine, but loved her extra feedings! BEST eater... loved fruits and veggies. Always satisfy the oral stage as you are satisfying basic needs. Mama/baby. I never worried about how long any of my birds needed to get off of formula. Always satisfy their needs.The goal is to have a confident bird. You can't have one, unless you satisfy the oral stage. Nancy

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My goffins cockatoo also loves her spoonful of oatmeal with a little bit of chopped up apple in it every night. I don't have a problem with continuing the hand feeding. I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing with the baby.

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