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Brutus is Gone -- My Worst Nightmare!


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He flew out of the window at 8pm on Tuesday and I got him back Friday night around 9:30 pm, so almost exactly 72 hours later.


Thank you for your support!


I am looking at him today and it looks like he got into a scuffle with another bird and he has a puncture that bled on his cheek and bite marks around his right eye. His eye appears to be fine. He does not act like it is irritated in any way. I probably should take him to the vet to make sure he is okay. I worry about avian diseases. He is sleeping right now. I guess he is understandably exhausted because he never sleeps during the day.

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He flew out of the window at 8pm on Tuesday and I got him back Friday night around 9:30 pm, so almost exactly 72 hours later.


Thank you for your support!


I am looking at him today and it looks like he got into a scuffle with another bird and he has a puncture that bled on his cheek and bite marks around his right eye. His eye appears to be fine. He does not act like it is irritated in any way. I probably should take him to the vet to make sure he is okay. I worry about avian diseases. He is sleeping right now. I guess he is understandably exhausted because he never sleeps during the day.


Great news! You're one of the lucky ones. How did you find him?

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So glad Brutus is back where he belongs & that I got to read this after the fact! That must have been a very long, scary 72 hrs. It would be a good idea to let the vet have a look at him, though.


I saw what you said about feeling guilty about his escaping. Don't! We spend a lot of time trying to decode how they think. But we just can't past a certain point & there are many things that we just can't see coming. Hopefully, that's easier to believe now that Brutus is home, safe & relatively sound. So very, very happy for you both!!

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He flew out of the window at 8pm on Tuesday and I got him back Friday night around 9:30 pm, so almost exactly 72 hours later.


Thank you for your support!


I am looking at him today and it looks like he got into a scuffle with another bird and he has a puncture that bled on his cheek and bite marks around his right eye. His eye appears to be fine. He does not act like it is irritated in any way. I probably should take him to the vet to make sure he is okay. I worry about avian diseases. He is sleeping right now. I guess he is understandably exhausted because he never sleeps during the day.


I knew you would find him today. Yes!! It worked. The tears of joy!



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When the police officer knocked on your door you must have gone through the gamut of emotions all in the flash of a nanosecond. The couple who found him are your guardian angels. It's not often this happy outcome. Brutus and you have a deeper sense of appreciation than you already enjoyed. You both need a long nap. If you can call your vet and tell them he is found and has a scrape, he may prescribe something to ensure he doesn't get an infection just in case it was a cat. Happy happy joy joy. Brutus is home.

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I typically don't log on to GF on the weekends but the case of Brutus missing has been bothering me some. I have to be careful with the FB groups too because lots of missing birds there along with their pictures. These poor guys get out and I'm sure it's amazing fun at first until reality sets in and they get scared and hungry and have no idea what to do. It's sad.


So relieved this turned out the way I have been hoping. You now belong to a small and exclusive club that you don't really want to belong to: you got your birdy on the lamb back. If anything it does really help cement how special these babies are to you. I was just kissing on Greycie a couple of days ago telling my wife I still can't believe how lucky we were to get this special girl back. She's such a gift.

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I think what helped were all the posters i had tacked up all over the neighborhood. I probably posted about 50. Seeing one of the posters helped the couple that found Brutus contact me. They had called while I was out on the deck calling for Brutus, and because I didn't answer they called the police to relay the message. The police knew about it too because I had contacted the Chief of Police, one of the Captains, and the Chief Detective. The La Mesa Police Department rocks! They have an amazing group of officers who are kind and compassionate. I wrote them all thank you letters and compliments to their bosses.


I am not sure if it helped directly, but my online neighborhood group was so supportive and helpful, as were a great number of people, and most were complete strangers! I emailed a large number of organizations, and individuals over the course of several days (rescue groups, Humane Societies, bird breeders, bird stores, pet stores, veterinarians, boy and girl scout groups, various police departments, animal control, Facebook, SDSU graduate students in biology and ecology, all of my neighbors, and more. I felt that if they could pass on Brutus' information to just a couple of friends then I could spread the word and increase the number of eyes looking for Brutus. If I didn't believe it before, I do know now that there are many kind people. I got hugs, advice, shoulders to cry on, sympathy, empathy, and time, from so many people, most of whom I had never met before.


You guys on the forum are always outstanding especially since you understand what non-parrot owners struggle to imagine. Thank you for your hope and encouragement.


While the experience was horrible, and one I never wish to repeat, being that vulnerable and feeling a heart-to-heart connection with a big slice of humanity was profoundly and incredibly touching. I am kind of a shy person, and I connected on such a basic level that it felt like a spiritual connection which is rare and really special.

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I was so sick hearing about Brutus going missing I stayed off Greyforums for a couple of days because just the sight of your thread upset me, but I couldn't stop thinking about you and your little man and what you both must be going through. It's so easy to empathize because I know how distraught I would be if Dorian ever went missing. You've also changed my behaviour around here. My window screens were giving me a false sense of security but no more! If Dorian is out the windows are closed from now on! So awesome that you were able to reach out to so many people and got such a great response, especially from the police. I hope everyone gets the word that Brutus is home because I'm sure many of the people you connected with over those horrible days have been thinking about you the way we here at Greyforums were. Sending you a big cyber hug of relief from me and Dorian.

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A little update. Brutus has been silent the last couple of days, but i can tell he is feeling better today.


He started talking this afternoon! He made up this thing he has been saying lately and it cracks him up! He says, "I'm okay-o. Are you okay-o?" He added the extra "o's" and he thinks its funny.


I went up to the home under construction where Brutus was found and thanked the workers for helping Brutus out. Apparently Brutus landed on the roof and Jerry, the contractor, brought him a cup of water which he eagerly drank from. The neighbor, Vivienne, brought a strawberry out and Brutus flew down to her. She got him in a carrier and took him home. He was sleeping on their ceiling fan when I found him, Friday night.


He was exhausted and traumatized and so was I. I think we are both feeling better today.

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"because just the sight of your thread upset me"


Hi Acappella, I understand your comment because i felt the same way when Murphy went missing. I am sorry he was never found. Back then, I was anxious to get on the forum every day to see if Murphy had made it back.


I am glad Brutus is back, and I am glad that his return gives relief to you too.

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I think they really learn something when they are out and about. GreycieMae acted like a weirdo the first couple of days and we started to worry about her a bit. She did come right back around to her old self but now she will get over-anxious when I or my wife leaves the house. She will make a really sharp whistle if she knows we're headed for the door. Once out she will call to us like we call the dogs, assuming she is trying to get us to come back in. She also does this when we go to the store and one of us goes in. She will call to the one who gets out of the car (someone always stays with her in the car). So these days if one of us leaves, the other takes GreycieMae into the bathroom where she's easily distracted while the other disappears. If we both leave, they're all in the bird room unawares anyway.

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Good to know Sterling. I know Brutus makes a police siren sound when I leave. How he ever figured out that that sound means danger I have no idea. He hears police sirens around our home as we live in a fairly urban environment. How does he know? Really freaky.

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