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Brutus is Gone -- My Worst Nightmare!


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When Isaac flew away, I thought I'd never see him again. I walked around the neighborhood whistling for him through dusk when he left at dinner time that afternoon. We drove around and walked as I whistled for him incessantly. My lips could barely form a whistle by the end of the evening which in the summer was around 8PM. As I was closing the nights search, I head a call back from the trees in my apartment complex. He was in the trees, but it was night and there was no way to even see him. I went and got drunk that night so I could sleep and got up early the next morning around 6 to go find him. I located him in about an hour that morning. Preening super high in a tree. I proceeded to call him and he was just watching me. Took all day to coax him out of the trees and I had lost him multiple times during the day. However, he did fly back to my hand eventually. I recommend driving\or walking the local streets making sounds that elicit a response from him. You have the most influence to find him. If there are things that typically make him come flying to you, say or do those things. I would tell Isaac, "Wanna eat?" and he would come flying. Mostly...I just had a whistle I would do, and when he would hear that....he would let out a loud 'beep'. I was just listening for that beep. It found my boy and I called him down to my hand from the trees with his favorite cup in my hand. I continue to have the best hope for you and Brutus.

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I think extreme persistence is the key. When Greycie got out I had it in my head I would search for 30 days straight. I had plans to take time off from work to keep searching. Going into the second day I was getting depressed but knew I would have to fight through it.


We put flyers up on all street corners in our area. I think those were pretty useless. My next step had we not found her was placing leaflets on every door for at least a 1.5 mile radius around our house. Also, when I said Greycie was '3 miles away' - that was from the spot where I suspect I saw her drop down on the horizon. She was being harassed by crows. She went down north-northwest of our house and I found her south-southwest. Her actual distance from our house was 1.5 miles. I want to say she was looking for home and found a familiar trail I used to cycle her on and parked herself there to wait. It's way to bizarre for her to have just randomly picked a tree right next to a familiar trail so I'm pretty sure she knew what she was doing.


Record some household noises, like your other birds to play outside. I believe anything that is familiar to him will draw him in. I also think you are correct in believing he will stick to the trees in your area if he has to cross wide open areas to get to something else.


I don't know what type of playback device you're using but I would stick it in a bike trailer and pull it along and LISTEN. Making sure you have gaps in the noise so you can hear him call when he does. When we found Greycie there was NO DOUBT she wanted to come home and wanted us to find her. I'm sure your Brutus is looking for you.

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I went out before dawn and called for him. I also talked to a bunch of neighbors and workers in the neighborhood. I told them if they see him to call me because he is scared, hungry, thirsty, and tired. I put out another 25 flyers. I never really whistled to him because i can't whistle. He does know the Andy Griffith Theme Song. I put up a new ad on Craigslist. The trees in the neighborhood are largely pruned and smaller and discontinuous. I have a forest behind my house and the tallest widest tree in the neighborhood. You can see this tree from a long way away. I hope he is here. My other two parrots are out on the deckbrutusposter.jpg. All his food stands and play areas are outside too.

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What a nerve wracking and frightening time for you. My heart just fell when I saw this post this morning. It sounds as if you are doing everything possible to bring your beloved Brutus home. The window screen does sound like a fluke and like the culprit. Do you have a pair of binoculars? Those might help, as well as a night vision pair or scope. Since Brutus will likely stay still at night, the night vision binocs/goggles might be helpful in being able to spot him while he is roosting.


Am holding you both in my thoughts and heart.

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Today i added to the contacts I have already made. At your suggestion, i contacted all the the Girl and Boy Scout groups in the area. I also contacted bird breeders, and every pet store that had an email. I also contacted various people in the Police Department and the Police Departments of adjacent municipalities. So now I have contacted rescue groups, alert groups, the Humane Society, Craigslist, Recycler, Animal Control, NextDoor neighborhood households, bird breeders, pet stores, my friends, this forum, and more.


Please post this flyer to your Facebook even if you don't live in CA because your friends might live there.



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I live in California too....oh my...you live in La Mesa.....fairly close. I am in San Diego\Rancho Bernardo area. If I wasn't so socked in with work right now, I'd come search with you. Maybe later, I'll have to see. I will get the word out though.

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Hi Steve,


Yes, I am a burbling wreck, BUT, I keep busy to get my mind off of it. If it wasn't for hope I don't know what I would do. Today is the third day, if i don't see or hear from him or from someone who has seen him by tonight I think I will despair. i would like to bike around with my tape player, playing Andy Griffith's Theme song, but it is so hilly and steep here that i would be walking my bike most of the time. Tomorrow I will expand my search, although I can't cover much ground by walking.

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I wish I had better news. Just like the last couple of days, today I have sat on my large deck calling for Brutus and playing Andy Griffith's Theme Song (on repeat) from before the sun came up until about noon, and again in the late afternoon, until it is too dark to see. I have seen and heard nothing from Brutus, and neither has anyone I have talked to or emailed. Today I went walking around the neighborhood knocking on doors, in case, they hadn't seen the numerous posters about Brutus already. Did I give you a flyer to post? I am so discombobulated I don't know, so here is another one.brutusposter.jpgI am afraid now I have to rely on the goodness of strangers to find him or for them to be honest enough to look for a previous owner. Either that, or he was killed when he left. I asked people to look for red feathers and to call me if they find them. I need to know either way.


Brutus has always been my bright spot, and since my husband left a year ago on the 1st of August, Brutus became the best thing in my world. I often told my best friends that if it wasn't for Brutus I don't know if I could have made it through this last year. Brutus is my color, my light, my music, my comedian, and my best buddy. All the good things. I know he loves me with all his heart and I am the person that lights up his world too. I hope i don't have to make these statements past tense, but I am prepared to now. Hope is cruel. However this turns out, I am thankful for the full heart of love that I have for him. Sometimes my heart seems to burst and overflow from the joy he gives me. I am grateful and I will be always. Belly laughs and a full heart--it doesn't get much better than that!

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If this isn't coherent I apologize. It was after dark and I just got a knock on the door and it was a police officer with a hand written name and phone number. He said, "Steve and Vivian have your bird."


They live probably ½ to a mile away.


I immediately went to get him. They found him today on the roof of a house under construction on Glen. The workers tried for two hours to get him, but when Vivian, the little blonde lady came by he flew to her. He has good taste! Anyway I picked him up at their home. He was sitting on the ceiling fan. They were the sweetest couple. The woman was so very sweet. Brutus made a good choice! Seriously!


He is banged up around his eye. I may need to take him to the vet tomorrow. He is exhausted! I just gave him a nice piece of swiss cheese, not good for him, but good for me right now.


OMG! I am so happy!


I have no idea what he has gone through.


Thought you should know asap!




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You have been in my thoughts everyday and this thread is the first one I read each time I open the laptop, hoping each time it will have good news and this morning it happened! I am so happy for the two of you to have found each other again. Brought tears to my eyes.

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