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"Poop in the water"


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Maalik unfortunately has taken to sitting and chilling on top of his water bowl. Several times a day I have to change his water because he's always pooping in it. Drives me crazy. Usually I'll ask him, "Maalik, did you go poop in the water AGAIN?"


Today as I was on the computer, Maalik blurted out, "Uh Oh. Poop in the water. POOP!" I couldn't stop laughing!

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Hahaha! The first thing that came to my mind was Maalik singing it to the tune of "Smoke on the Water," by Deep Purple. It's hard to imagine a Grey in the house not accompanied by laughter. They just crack me up. :D

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Too funny!!! Even funnier when they do that when you are on the phone. It's always fun explaining to non-bird folks who is talking loudly about poop during a business call....


Megan loves to say "Go potty, do it, do it! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE one out! Come on!" It always cracks me up.


We have one water-bowl-pooper and that is Ariel, the little lovebird. She has a water bottle that she drinks from, but we give her a dish as well. She seems to think the dish is there to act as her own personal toilet. Every single day, like clockwork, she poops in that water even though there is no perch nearby - which means she has to go sit on the edge of the bowl holder and turn around and intentionally go in the bowl. I have never seen her drinking from the bowl (thankfully!).

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Honestly, as crazy as it sounds, I'm almost afraid to even *think* of HRH pooping in a water dish, because she has an uncanny way of doing things that I think about. It's almost eery the way that works. Does anyone else's grey seem like they almost have ESP? :D :D

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I'm not sure if it is ESP... but I DO tend to know what Sophie will do next! I " understand", what her eye pinning means.... learning something new that she is interested in...or " I don't like this person!". She gives me the " poopy dance", I can get her back to cage beforehand. Once I understood what Sophie was all about, her demands were pretty simple. I just had to make sure, I was " really listening"... once I did... it was easy and made sense! Nancy

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Miss Gilbert doesn't usually poop in her water but she loudly announces "Sh*# on the floor when she stands on the open cage door and drops one. She has been flinging her water so I recently bought heavy ceramic dishes she can't lift. The 5 ounce stainless cup fits perfectly as a liner to make it easy to clean. Well, she sees me stick my thumb in there to pull out the dish. She pooped in her water. When I saw that, the clever trick on her became a trick on me. I said "Aw Gilbert, what did you do that for?" In her best disgusted Southern male voice she drawled "She-it" No matter how determined I was to never reinforce the naughty words, I could not help but laugh. She got me.

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We have poop patrol here. lol We are constantly checking the water. Both Phoenix and my Sun Conure are dunkers so the water is always a mess. My Conure is always pooping in his water. Phoenix very rarely. My Conure also manages to get it EVERYWHERE! How he is able to be IN his cage and poop in the middle of the floor is a mystery!!!

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LOL Sounds like "projectile pooping" to me! I remember a friend who had a baby who had "projectile vomiting." Just a tiny baby, and she could hit the wall on the other side of the room. She is fine now or I wouldn't be able to laugh about it now. It was like something from the exorcist though, and what I thought of reading M'sBabies post!

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Both Bongo and Cotay are/were water poopers but I figured out it was only because of the perch over it. I hung a toy near there for them both and now the poop misses the waters! And thank you, every since I read this thread, I have "poop, on the water" playing over and over in my head! lol

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Brutus doesn't poop in his water probably because he is never in his cage or on it. But, my quaker does. I fixed this by taping a cardboard ceiling right above his bowl inside his cage. Now I don't know how active your bird is and that may not last very long, but something like that might work. Or you could try slats from Venetian blinds woven above the water bowl. Brain storm for solutions because changing the water all the time is a drag. Could you switch out a different bowl to be the water dish?

Edited by chezron
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