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Hey ^^

I am new here, my name is Doron and my little Congo African Grey, 4 months old called Annie.

This is Annie-




She eating a lot, the vet told me that her weight is 400G and that the weight of an adult parrot. Every day she eating fruits, vegetables and pellets for african gray (don't know if this is the name at English).

Every day I clean all the cage and every time when the water is dirty I change them, also the food dish.

I brought her at 18.6.14 and after 4 days I went to vacation for around 8 days (all the time she was at my girlfriend place, I know this is a lot of stress but she feels good right now ^^")

The cages doors always open and she walk as mush as she want out from the cage, around the house. (inside the cage at night time)

The farms therapist took her from the parents at the age of one month according to what he said and she were kept with her sister, inside room where they were "free" (kept with the cage open) with another birds with closed cages and the problem was that she never stood on human hands before. after less than 10 minutes of training her (yesterday) I succeed to make her come to my hand. not perfectly yet.


Now I have something to ask (I don't really know how to say it so sorry). Why she doesn't "fix" her damaged wing feathers?

ever since I brought her, on the both sides of the wings she got damaged feather, also in some of the tail. here some picture-


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Welcome and thanks for the introduction and photos. She is beautiful. It appears in the photos that her feathers may actually be a little tattered and non-fixable. Birds are the masters of feather care by instinct. Don't sweat this. When feathers become damaged enough, they will molt out and be replaced.

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Welcome, Doron and Annie. Annie is so beautiful and it looks like the two of you are off to a great start! It is so nice that she is getting comfortable stepping onto your hand, you are doing a good job with her. We will all be looking forward to hearing frequent updates on how she is doing as the two of you grow together. Just like Aunties and Uncles we love to share in the excitement and are here to help in the confusing or difficult times.

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Hello and welcome to our family! She is a beautiful grey. I wouldn't worry a out the feathers, there is no such thing as a grey with perfect feathers, only a grey who is perfect, and we all have one! I am curious..is that her cage you show in the pic? It seems very small, and I don't see any toys or perches other than wood ones..

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Hello and welcome to our family! She is a beautiful grey. I wouldn't worry a out the feathers, there is no such thing as a grey with perfect feathers, only a grey who is perfect, and we all have one! I am curious..is that her cage you show in the pic? It seems very small, and I don't see any toys or perches other than wood ones..


Yes, it is her cage for now.

all day long the TV is on and she "free" to walk at the house.. also I am building her some toy and stuff around the cage and on the walls around the house etc'. basically, she only sleeping at that cage or standing on. Is that a problem? I need larger cage for toys inside the cage?

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My CAG has a cage, but I leave the door open and she is free to do as she pleases during the day--even when I am at work. It didn't start out that way, though. As a young bird she was in her cage while I was away. It wasn't until she was about a year old, and I knew her ways and habits, that I realized it was safe to leave her out while I was gone. I live in a small condo and her area is more or less "bird proofed" from a safety standpoint. She stays in her cage, on her cage, or on her play stands at all times while I am away. It has worked for us, but I needed to be confident in her habits and ways before we went that direction. With a new baby there is so much still unknown.

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Welcome! I'm also in agreement that the damaged feathers are probably from having rubbed them along the bars to her cage.


When time and $$ permits for you, I suggest that you look into getting a bigger cage. I realize she's able to get out and about, but her home should be big enough so that when you eventually must leave her alone for longer periods of time that she has a large enough space to comfortably reside in.


Looking forward to hearing all about her growth and development!

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Welcome! I'm also in agreement that the damaged feathers are probably from having rubbed them along the bars to her cage.


When time and $$ permits for you, I suggest that you look into getting a bigger cage. I realize she's able to get out and about, but her home should be big enough so that when you eventually must leave her alone for longer periods of time that she has a large enough space to comfortably reside in.


Looking forward to hearing all about her growth and development!


Thanks guys, I'll buy larger cage next month =]

Today I bought food and toys..


Another thing that I'm wondering about...

3 days ago my uncle came and wanted to pet her, when he tried she start to scream loudly. Today my dad came to take me to the doctor and he tried also to pet her and she screams and tries to bite him. my uncle and dad she barely know but my grandfather she know.. every day he pet her and talk with her and today when we came from the shop he went to pet her (while she exploring the new toy) and she start also to scream. even she bite me 2-3 times (She never acted like that and always were friendly even to strangers). Why she doing that now?

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Thanks guys, I'll buy larger cage next month =]

Today I bought food and toys..


Another thing that I'm wondering about...

3 days ago my uncle came and wanted to pet her, when he tried she start to scream loudly. Today my dad came to take me to the doctor and he tried also to pet her and she screams and tries to bite him. my uncle and dad she barely know but my grandfather she know.. every day he pet her and talk with her and today when we came from the shop he went to pet her (while she exploring the new toy) and she start also to scream. even she bite me 2-3 times (She never acted like that and always were friendly even to strangers). Why she doing that now?


Some one can help me?

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Some one can help me?



**my uncle and dad she barely know but my grandfather she know.. every day he pet her and talk with her and today when we came from the shop he went to pet her (while she exploring the new toy) and she start also to scream**

Parrots can seem like hey wanna engage in playing, being petted but that's not always true. Parrots have their good days and bad although I can totallly understand her wanting to bite people she doesn't know. Many parrots do that. Just about everyone here has been bitten by their parrot one time or another. Do you get into bad moods? Do people bother you when you're in a bad mood? Do you react in a different way when these things happen to you? Well, it happens to parrots and especially with greys, they need their own time and really don't wanna be bothered at the the time. You would have to worry if she constantly and regularly went after you and grandpa. That's a different story. As far as those other people, she simply needs to get used to them, see them often. People who hardly know a parrot shouldn't try to pet that bird. Often, a bad situation arises. Greys are one person or one family birds. They will even periodically bite the favored person (you). It could be for any reason that you and I wouldn't even know about. The only thing I would really worry about is watching your bird with strangers. A cage is best when strangers come over. The bird can study the strangers from the safety of it's cage.

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