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Here they are Louie on the left and Lulu on the right. They look just alike although Louie is only 6 years old and Lulu is 33 years old. I can tell them apart because Louie has a red ring on his leg and his blue crown is more prominent. Both are flighted and have never been clipped although Lulu does not fly as well as Louie as I believe she was not allowed out of her cage and full range of the home as my Louie is. We will try to correct that once she is comfortable coming out of her cage. Louie tries to lure Lulu out but she is not ready.


Lulu is quite friendly and does not try to bite so I am hopeful that she will help Louie learn that I really am not a "monster" and will not cook him up for dinner.



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I don't know what I was thinking adding another parrot to the flock but what is done is done and when they said she is yours free because we like what we see here; I couldn't resist. Lulu is a doll and Louie is fascinated by her although Lulu does not seem to care one way or the other about Louie, poor guy. Lulu is a quiet little lady as Louie is a quiet gentleman so I couldn't ask for more.


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Sweet Lulu

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They're both very beautiful. I can see a few differences between the two of them. Louie has yellow going all the way under his lower mandible and LuLu has more yellow and red on her shoulders from what I can tell from the pics. It will be wonderful when LuLu discovers that she can go places on her own.

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Oh, they are both so beautiful!! I am so jealous. I wish Nilah had another amazon as she seems to get quite excited when she sees them on tv, but I think I have my hands full with her. Thanks for the pics!

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Lulu looks great and you soon will find out how gentle, sweet and loveable a lady zon can be.

It sounds like she came from a great home and I don`t think you have any trouble with her adjusting to living in your home with you and your other three fids.

I believe Lulu is going to show you the gentle side of amazons.

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I am so happy for you and Lulu. She is gorgeous. I know Louie and Lulu will find their way. How are the greys doing with the new addition? I suspect Ana Grey may be thinking to herself, "Well, there goes the neighborhood!".

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Lulu looks great and you soon will find out how gentle, sweet and loveable a lady zon can be..........

I believe Lulu is going to show you the gentle side of amazons.


Lulu is very gentle but so is Louie. Louie just does not want to be touched by a female. If you remember the women in her former home put her outside when the hubby her provider became ill. I believe they were not kind to him. Louie flies to my shoulder and to me as long as I do not touch him. He loves my young 5-year old grandson, JJ, and takes food from him no problem. I totally love Louie and he is a sweetheart. I had no idea you had had experience with a mean male zon. But Louie is no such fid.

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This morning, I cleaned Lulu's toys and perches while she was in her cage. She is not aggressive at all. Frankly she is a very gentle and person friendly little lady .It took awhile to get Lulu to come out of her cage but at last she ventured out to the top. I immediately closed her cage as she will only stay out a few minutes and then back in she goe s. Louie was excited that Lulu was out and tried to touch her. Lulu would have nothing to do with him and ran him off with nips.


Lulu is not clipped but does not fly well. I have a feeling Lulu was not allowed out very often, which is a shame but hopefully my fully flighted gang will get Lulu up up and away in no time. Lulu stepped up beautifully and I took her into the living room and on to a stand. She enjoyed pistachios and after an hour or two was ready to go back to her cage.


Lulu is a very quiet zon perhaps because she is older, I do not know. She fits in nicely.

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Lulu does fit right in here. She is a love but then so is my Louie. Quiet and sweet zons. Lulu was not let out of her cage much I am sure. As soon as she sees me in the AM sh eis asking "what are you doing" "Hello". Her voice is very soft. Wings down and wanting out. She is a love. Louie is also a sweet heart.


I would love to have Nilah around for a week, she sounds like a firecracker and very surprising.

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Lulu and Louie after an afternoon in the sun. All four parrots were misted and loved it. Lulu's former owners said she hated to be misted/sprayed. Wrong she was very receptible. I consider myself very lucky as I have a 6-year-old male amazon who tries very hard to do as I ask and a 33-year-old female amazon who is very sweet. No squawking or screeching (well maybe just one or two in the am to clear the pipes). I believe very strongly that being calm and assured has a lot to do with how our parrots react. My parrots all four of them watch me and my reaction which I believe has a lot to do with how they react in return. Body language: if a person is tense and hurried our parrots react the same as they are unsure of how the human will react so they are on guard. Relax and enjoy and so will your birdies.



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Yes I believe you are right. If you are calm they will they will follow in your footsteps.

Our fids are talked to all day long in a calm manner and they just love the attention and chat back.

I believe in talking to your fids and not at them.


P.S. I love the picture of Louie and Lulu.

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I have been taking Lulu my 33 year old re-homed BF zon on launching flights. I launched her toward the living room window perch and she turned before she got there and flew back to me onto my chest. I was so surprised and excited for her effort. Way to go Lulu. You are a survivor you old lady. I am delighted I added you to my flock!

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I am encouraged that Lulu will become more active. When I perched her on one of the perches in the front room window she flew to the kitchen were all three of the other parrots were. I am delighted that although the flying was burdened (compared to the flying skills of Ana Grey, Louie and Sterling Gris) she got to where she wanted to go; from the living to a kitchen trolley where the others were. Hopefully she will continue to want to be with the gang and strengthen her flying skils. Hooray!!

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Wow! Things seem to be going swimmingly. You really must have a special touch with birds. It sounds like Lulu has a whole new lease on life. I agree that CALM seems to do wonders for parrots. I love the pics of Louie and Lulu together. I think Amazons are fantastic. I will probably never share life with one, but I am glad I can peek into your experience and gain joy from it.

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Today was a good day for Lulu. She is such a sweetheart. Lulu loves to be with the other parrots who as you know are fully flighted. Anyway, I took Lulu into the living room and left the other fids in the bird room. I launched Lulu onto a window perch and left the room for the kitchen. All of a sudden I hear the beautiful flapping of labored flying and Lulu is flying into the kitchen, makes a left turn and off down the hall and into the bird room onto Louie's cage. I went and got Lulu and because I was so impressed with Lulu's flight, I praised Lulu and took her back to the living room and left her again. In the flash of an eye Lulu is flying back into the bird room and on to Louie's cage. I could have jumped for joy. Lulu is coming along nicely. Her flying is cumbersome but Lulu is trying and flying and I am delighted! I just had to share my joy for her.

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