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Free Flighted Birds in Our Homes


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My guy is boring compared to all of yours! He has been flighted for a few years now but he really only flys when he gets spooked.


I don't carry my parrots around. If they want to go somewhere they have to get there on their own. Even when Ana Grey was clipped when I first got her, she had to walk around. Even Lulu, my older newer 33 year old zon who is very clumsy at flying has to fly if she wants to follow the gang. I do pick her up to launch her off to practice flying and to put her on a higher perch so she can see out a window but she must fly off to get to the kitchen or bird room all on her own if she wants to follow anyone.

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WHAT is glass? We live in the world of plastic cups and correlle. ( correlle plates DO shatter though!) I have two boys in college. What ever happened to my chance of " empty nest syndrome"? I STILL have kid locks in the bathrooms and chemical cabinet in the kitchen. Kids worry I will be " bored", with them gone. PLEASE... let me have one day of boredom!!!! Nancy

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WHAT is glass? We live in the world of plastic cups and correlle.


Ohh yes...who could forget. I have lost every last glass including a new one my parents tried to give me just this morning...which pretty much once again does it for glass in my house. It's impossible. Especially since Isaac is so "into" cups and such. One stray glass left for only a moment, will see Isaac doing a fly-by dump of it...and crash if it is glass. I am so numb to spills now....it's just an emotionless background task to clean em up now.

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WHAT is glass? We live in the world of plastic cups and correlle. ( correlle plates DO shatter though!) I have two boys in college. What ever happened to my chance of " empty nest syndrome"? I STILL have kid locks in the bathrooms and chemical cabinet in the kitchen. Kids worry I will be " bored", with them gone. PLEASE... let me have one day of boredom!!!! Nancy



I dealt with empty nest syndrome by stuffing my house with birds. Actually the running joke around here is they are my mid-life crisis. One of my wife's friends is hitting rock bottom with her husband - no love, no sex, no nothing in the last six months. I've advised he's seeing someone else and/or is just tired of her sh*t (male perspective). My wife, who is a psychologist by trade has advised her that her 44 yo husband (same age as me) is having his mid-life crisis and is most likely seeing someone else. During all of this I overheard a discussion about me and my midlife/empty nest crisis and my 'stuffing the house with birds'. It's somewhat true although I can remember pining for another Grey shortly after I lost my first one.

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One of my wife's friends is hitting rock bottom with her husband - no love, no sex, no nothing in the last six months. I've advised he's seeing someone else and/or is just tired of her sh*t (male perspective)."


Oh yeah I recognize this. For sure there is another woman (or in my case - women). I feel for her because this situation is heart-breaking at its finest.

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That is so weird that Brutus doesn't do this with glasses. I have plenty of glassware, stemware even. It is all I drink from. He leaves it alone. Of course he messes with stuff, but I can see him coming in the kitchen and he only hangs out on the breakfast bar which rarely has anything on it. I usually throw stuff up there just to get him to throw, move, and chew on stuff. He likes whiffle balls and we play "bowling for Brutus" and he kicks or beaks the ball off of his feet.

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  • 1 month later...

Have spent the last several weeks putting down new cork flooring in the main part of the house. HRH has come through it all unfazed, although the first time we rolled her home into our master bedroom to keep her out of the dust and noise, she immediately said to me, "I want to go back there." I replied, "Joe is working out there and you need to stay in here with me." to which she said, "I want to go back *out* there." (her emphasis). She did eventually settle, and got used to the weekend routine of being rolled into the bedroom with me for a few hours.


What does this have to do with flying? Well, very fun! We have a large, high ceiling, open floor plan and now that the new floors are done, I've rearranged furniture. I completely got rid of the formal dining room area, and turned it into a very cozy reading area, using furniture from the living room. Well that has left the large living room nearly empty as we are looking for an area rug. I just have two comfy chairs in there for now so it is a huge open space. Last evening, Inara was on my shoulder as we were walking from the kitchen toward the big open room and she took flight from my shoulder, and just spun a lap around the big empty room and then alighted upon the floor, finishing with a laugh and a major tail wag. It was as if she just had to try out all that space. So cool!


This morning, I set up two of her perches at various heights and big distances apart with the chair in which I sit with my morning coffee sort of making the apex of a triangle. I put Inara onto one of her perches instead of going directly to the coffee chair as is our routine right after breakfast (flying usually comes later after my brain turns on). She said, "I want to go up there!" and took off to fly past the other perch, made an attempt to land on the railing that looks over into the downstairs, it was too slick to land on so she made a beautiful correction with a super steep bank and came back to alight perfectly upon the other perch. She took a few seconds to do about three flips around the perch (we call this "circus bird") and then flew from that perch over to my lap. One happy girl.


It's not even as if the room was that hard to maneuver before, I just think she loves the super open feel now. Which, I do too actually and so will be really choosy about what I put back in there. I also think I will rig a perch between two of the posts on the railing that she tried to land upon so that she can get a good grip there.


Fly often.

Edited by Inara
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  • 2 months later...
LOL I know what you mean. I have a shower curtain hung between my living room and kitchen because I couldn't keep my Sun out of the kitchen. I couldn't train him to stay with me in the living room so he trained me to find another way to stop him! My Grey has a habit of opening the doors to their cages (from the outside) and sometimes when I put them to bed and step away I will hear my Sun's wings flapping as he comes to me. Oops forgot to check the other doors! LOL Luckily my TAG hasn't learned to open the doors from the inside - YET! I am so lucky in that I have trained them both to return to their cages on command. If I had to chase two free flying birds around the house to put them in the cages - well - I may not have them too long!


Tell the birdie to fly back.

How about a request for a white rumped shama Yingshiong to go back into the flight room and back into the cage.

This was taken after I was castigated for allowing a shama to fly and was told by self styled experts that to catch and put that shama into the cage will take hours and traumatised him to death. My telling them I just need to tell YS to fly back to the cage got hoots of laughters and accusation I lied on every thing as well.

So this video was taken.


Did not even need clicker training to do this ( but clicker training was the foundation and catalyst for our relationship to start)



Oh yeah! This is a grey forum. So this is how I tell Riam to fly back to her room


Been kept in her own room is not feared by Riamfada. She would fly back into her room when I asked her as you can see in this video. I gave her a hand, but I could take video of her flying back on her own when cued.



Riamfada would fly to places when I cued her to do so. To the perch, to the bar, to the ring etc.


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