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How many people have TAG's and How many have CAG's


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we have 1 CAG and 1 TAG

our cag is 1 year old,although we have only had him for about a month.his name is onslow,but we have just been told that he is probably a girl,as no female human can get near him lol.not even me!

our tag is 12 weeks old and we purchased him yesterday.


the tag is my little baby ,hes gorgeous.his name is springsteen.



Post edited by: susie, at: 2007/11/03 16:58<br><br>Post edited by: susie, at: 2007/11/04 12:25

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Ok so count now is 12 CAG & 4 TAG.


I didn't know the TAG's were harder to find. And Susie my TAG is a girl for sure and so far as of right now anyway she will only let me hold her. Don't know if this will change of course being we have only had her a week and she is 6 months old. Her breeder was a woman and spent all the time with her so I'm hoping I have that in my favor lol. I told my husband if she didn't bond to me than we were going to keep getting more parrots till one did lol!

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its strange you should say that lol

the reason my hubby got me the TAG is because i cant get near our CAG!

ive just been browsing the photos and have fallen in love the eclectrus.best not tell hubby lol.


mind you,we do have a spare cage now as our TAG came with a new cage from the breeder and we have just brought our CAG a new penthouse lol.


oooh now theres a thought eh? an eclectrus would fit in just perfectly lol

susie<br><br>Post edited by: susie, at: 2007/11/03 17:47

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I have a CAG, 6 mos. named Sparky.

Susie, I have a male eclectus, Hollister, who is about 8 mos. old. He is absolutely the greatest and sweetest with anyone and everyone. He is the most good-natured bird and has never bit anyone. The females are a bit less consistent as far as their mood goes, particularly when sexually mature. That would be a wonderful addition to your flock someday.

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hi scrohan

thanx for your info.

i had never heard of them before,but after seeing the photos i recognised them from the local pet shop.


they are adorable looking.

its handy to know they have a good nature.

i was so upset about our CAG.he is the most adorable bird but my daughter or me cant get within a foot of him!!

yet my son in law ,sons and hubby can stroke him and everything.!!

but now ive got my darling TAG,im soo happy lol,hes the sweetest:))



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:laugh: I'm sorry Susie but I really have to laugh at the one lol. It is my husband's Quaker and I say husband not cause I don't want her, I say this cause they are strickly one person birds for the most part. They pick their favorite and they stick with them and they are very jealous and obsessive. Kind of like another woman trying to get at your man lmao. We have had her for 9 years about now. She did come abused to us where the woman that had her first loved her very much but she was an older lady and couldn't keep up with her and ended up giving this guy we knew the bird in form of a payment for carpentry work. His wife hated the bird and flicked it in the head and put it in a dark stair well with lights off all day and all night. So when we got her she was pretty screwed up. My husband took many blood sheds. He finally gained her trust as for I could never go near her. He would tear into him but with me she would latch on and never let go. I have scars from her. Any time I would come near my husband and he had her out with him she would run over beak open and when I backed off she would laugh at me lol. She is a very good talker but from what I hear not all talk. I think Dave said he has two that is on here and neither of them talk. Now I know we probably have the worst case, but she is really sweet with my husband. But I'm the only one who she will copy how they talk. I have no idea lol. And since we just got our TAG I think she has been jealous of me and for some odd reason has let me pick her up from time to time this past week. So they are unpredictable lol. They are very very noisy too. Personally I would never get another one. They are very cute to look at and I love it when she talks! But she always squaks at just the right time, when you are expecting an important phone call or something. Like I said she will talk her head off when I'm not on the phone lol. Don't want to scare you away at all though ,I know they have made great family pets for some but from all that I have read on her they seem to be a one person bird and protective. We do have a friend that his is the same way, will interact as far as talking with anyone but only one person can hold the bird. But than again there are a bunch of birds like that out there. I guess if you get one that is a baby you could socialize it like any other. As far as sweet like I said she is absolutely sweet with Jessie, he can do anything with her. That's why I got SweetHeart cause I was jealous of him and his bird lol. Now I just have to pray that she picks me lol

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lol ronda

your hubbys quaker sounds just like our CAG,or should i say hubbys CAG? lol


at least we both have our own TAGS eh? lol

i have been cuddling mine all evening and he has been making little chirping noises lol.

hes now sat on the perch across the top of his cage and watching telly,bless him lol.


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I have a CAG (who is right now sitting on the chair across from me saying, "Kenya...you da bird!" Gotta love 'em!).


Susie: We also have a male and a female eclectus. Both are incredibly sweet, but our female may be an exception to the "rule"...at least so far. Our boy would sit with us all day long. She's very friendly, but much more active than he is and wants to move around more. She goes "cage hopping" when the other two birds are on their playstands in the other room.



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