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Judy Reaches 5,000!!!!


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Judy, one of my best friends in my life. Congratulations on reaching 5000 posts! That is an amazing accomplishment for only being a member here since May of this year. Being a bookeeper among other things, I did the math, and that equals out to an average of 33 posts per day!

Your posts are always so thoughtful, caring, helpful, informative and full of wit and fun. There is never a dull moment around here, even when the regulars aren’t here. You always manage to spark some fun every time.

You are a wonderful asset to this forum, and I know we all feel very lucky to have you here as the contributing member that you are, and the wonderful person and friend that you have been to every member here. I know I feel very blessed and honored to call you my “best friend”.




Lots of Love,





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You're to best poster of all times.


You have earned it the hard way with those HOT KEYS of yours. Well! When is 5999 coming????


You're such a great person to help all who need it, Funny at all times (unless your mad) does not using one-liners on subjects of importance, speaks her mine (Oh does she) has a big, BIG heart, AND MOST OF ALL, A GREAT PAL AND FRIEND TO ME.

Judy you’re the tops to ALL of us.







Joe<br><br>Post edited by: nevjoe, at: 2007/11/01 23:19

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Congratulations Judy on a wonderful achievement i Can only echo Penny's words.You are a very Special lady,You have time for everyone,a big heart,a great sense of humour ,knowledgeable advice.. I could carry on but i wont :P You get the general idea of how i feel.A wonderful friend to have.xxx

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Well, you made it. Your dreams have come true. It's been an uphill trip but you proved that you could climb any mountains and conquer any obstacles that stood in your way. You never gave up. You've reached the pinnacle of success. And now, as you look across the mountain tops and you can see your next goal--conquering the heavens above. Congratulations--Dave



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Wow Judy!!! What can I say, I am in awe!!!


You are such a valuable asset to this forum. Your posts are always witty and informative. You care about everybody here and I am soooo happy and proud to call you my friend. You are a wonderful woman and someone I truly look up too.


{Communicate-000200D5}to 5,000 more posts and conversations!! What a wonderful honor... you deserve it!!!!!

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WOW!! Congrats Judy. You are such a valued member here! I enjoy your posts, your opinions, your contributions and your fun loving attitude!! Though I like to play the "keep your name on top game"...clearly you are untouchable at the TOP! Keep em coming!! :P :P :P :P :P :P

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WOW Judy, 5000 and counting! You do such a great job posting on all the threads. You always give the best advice or guide people to where they can find the information they need. It's always enjoyable to read what you have written about a subject, and often I learn something myself! So keep up the good work, and enjoy the next 5000!





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Thank you Penny for the wonderful post congratulating me on making 5000 posts, I really do value your friendship and it means so much to me to have you say those things about me. I don't deserve such recognition, I just do what I love to do and I have fun in the process.


I look forward to enjoying many years here posting and having fun with my newfound friends and I have to say that you are the best one yet. You and I share many things and interests and I count myself lucky that we found each other, thanks for being there for me when I needed you.


I love you forever,


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Joe, thanks for the kind words and the true words, yes I do speak my mind but I am passionate about some things and I just can't hold back.


I do value your friendship very much, and we are alike in some ways, the obvious is that we are two old geezers who don't really give a rat's patootie what others think of us, we are old enough to not care anymore.


But I do care about my close friends and I count myself very lucky to have you for a friend and pal, you have been very nice to me, even sometimes when I didn't deserve it but that is who you are.


Joe you are a crazy dirty old man but I love you anyway, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Love ya,


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